Oh… lol He’s just big so he can look down upon other toa. Thanks anyway
@JMP Ok, sorry.
@FordianL thanks
Oh… lol He’s just big so he can look down upon other toa. Thanks anyway
@JMP Ok, sorry.
@FordianL thanks
simple indeed, i just dont see how his shoulders stay in place…
Glatorian Necks, good sir.
So recently got a massive amount of these and these, wondering if there are some tips on how to MOC up custom arms and legs using them.
Make a squid.
Give them to me…
Theese seem good for making torsos… or cool detailing for bigger mocs
I have one of each so yeah, i cannt realy help
Tho second one is useful for lots of things
Agreed. I do not have any of the second one…
That MOC is AWESOME! I might use some of those techniques. With your permission of course.
Go ahead. Let me know if you need anything else.
Here’s an idea: a leaf-shaped sword. I exploded the model so you can see how it’s put together. I’ve also got a custom gearbox design that I will post sometime later.
Not sure how active this topic is anymore, but does anyone have any cool Halo Battle Rifle esque Titan weapon designs?
Huh, That is a GENUS IDEA! You can change the eyes and the back connector as you wish! sweet!
Unfortunately, it looks like it only works with Krahkans through.
swap the socket for a ball and you’ve got something, otherwise that’s a super awkward neck.
If you flip the shell piece around and angle it in certain positions, you could fit other masks on it. I just tried it with Lhikan’s Hau and it works.