Gathered friends, listen to my question of the Bionicle…I was just curious what your thoughts/opinions are on the matter of Icarax’ strength level? Would you put him above Antroz and Chirox and vamprah in physical strength? Not power just physical strength. While looking at an old page from the winter of 2008 I saw this little piece of information stating that Icarax has immense strength and toughness, now “immense” is a pretty big word here and isn’t mentioned on any other character bio from that year besides his. It makes me wonder considering how his character is written that maybe that was the intention. He’s got a very arrogant, proud, aggressive and warlike personality, it makes me personally think he was intended to be physically the strongest amongst them. Let me know your thoughts thank you!
Or perhaps you are all too narrow minded to understand Icarax’s straight forward brilliance.
I made s post where I discussed the hierachy of the broterhood.
I placed Icarax next to Antroz since it was stated Antroz would lead the broterhood if Teridax fell. But antroz did not have the ability to order Icarax around so they were equal.
Greg stated that icarax and teridax have same power level with their abilities but other had more strategical thinking on how to use them. he further stated all makuta are equal in power level.
And makuta are shapeshifters so I assume Icarax could be physically stronger by simply absorbing more material. He is certainly a makuta who enjoys close quarter combat instead of ranged attacks using powers.
While I wouldn’t take as the best source for hard canon information, it’s accurate with this basic description of Icarax; there are multiple times where he is shown to prefer pure physicality to dominate his enemies, as opposed to Teridax’s scheming and trickery. Even amongst the Makuta, he was known to be particularly hungry for combat.
I didn’t mean that he was dumb by any means, he’s my favorite Bionicle character after all, I just meant that Chirox and mutran and some others were considered the smartest, my wording made me sound like I thought Icarax was an idiot, I’ll change it. Icarax was very capable, investigated a weapons order all the way to the source and killed Botar, saw Teridax’s plan for what it was, had a much more practical way of dealing with enemies which would have honestly taken less time. If anything, in my opinion, he might be one of the smartest Makuta, he was the only one out of any of them that thought stopping the plan was in everyone’s best interest.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say this; he simply thought that his own plan of a universal conquest was more likely to succeed, and, being as combat-hungry as he was, he preferred that the Brotherhood flex their raw power as opposed to hiding and pupeteering from the shadows.
I thought that was obvious? Icarax’s main character trait is that he is the best in hand to hand combat/armed melee combat. He doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty, quite the opposite.
He is superior to Teridax and his peers when it comes to physical combat.
Well yes, however he still saw Teridax for what he is and didn’t trust him unlike some who blindly followed him, he also told Krika in the book that once mata nui’s robot woke up that it would be extremely bad for any of the makuta and Krika had not even thought about until he mentioned it and was like “your right! Ok I’ll help” also by their nature Makuta are generally smarter than your average beings anyway, that must be why all the Makuta stats have at minimum a 13 mind up to 16, that would place the lowest mind stat amongst them as smart as Takadox who had a 13 mind stat and was extremely intelligent. Unless that info is somehow just a happy accident in which case nevermind lol.
Icarax is not dumb! He is straight forward! You just cannot comprehend his brilliance.
Did you even read my reply or are you messing with me lol? I said he we wasn’t dumb. I even made several points to prove his intelligence and capabilities. He’s my favorite character, so I have never thought him stupid. Like I said, I worded it wrong with my initial post and fixed the post to not include my original mistake.
Would Icarax read your post? Of course not. He is above such things.
Icarax certainly would not no. Good point. I kept trying to just respond to you but my phone is glitchy and was just replying to the post so that’s why I had to delete two replies. My apologies.