Feel free to post your drawings here if you plan on participating, or in a topic of their own. I’ll probably post mine in groups if I’m able to stick with it and complete them all this year.
I know for a fact I won’t be able to keep this up all month long, but here’s Day 1: Crystal, aka just the excuse I needed to draw the Unicorn Gundam yet again.
Given that this is inktober I’ve been trying to avoid using graphite or crayon or pastel or paint or charcoal or writing ink and instead have been traveling the coast strangling squids and using actual squid ink to create my inscriptions
However that was not truly in the spirit of inktober so I filled a highly-pressurized air compressor with the squid ink and am using it to blast chisel into stone slabs which I will then use as the foundation for a building which will serve as a mausoleum for the squids I brutally murdered in the name of art
It’s okay though because I said I was a peta representative which I’m pretty sure just means I like gyros