Interdimensional Laws of Time

We all know at least some one who’s a time traveler. Maybe that someone is you! Of course, time can’t just be manipulated however we want it! Or else that guy who really annoys you wouldn’t exist (Sorry, Edward), or you may have brought a flying car to the Stone Age. Or killing your younger self to see what happens. Why not? Because there are rules. Rules that span across all dimensions with time travel. So, let’s make a list! I’ll start:

I: A time-traveller may not visit any event that occurs after their native time which may impact their future.


II: A time traveler may not interact with the past, only spectate.


III: They may, however, send messages into the past to electronic devices or even directly into people’s brains

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IV: Should a time-traveller travel to the past, no items of the future may be left behind after the traveller leaves.


:five:: One shall only use the most futuristic of numbers. /s

V: One can leave subtle clues to what happens in the future.


VI: Should you travel to the future, money and/or belongings of significant value may not be brought back with you.

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VII: That’s Time Keeper’s thing, and any one else, but mostly Time Keeper’s.

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VIII: A 7th branch of the US military has been created called the Time Force.

All of this is already starting to not make sense


IX: A time traveller is obligated to orchestrate the release of Half Life 3.


X: A Time Traveller may not use time travel for his own personal gain (i.e. finding out winning lottery numbers in the future, then returning to win in the present).


XI: a time traveler is to keep arms and legs within the time travel device at all times.


XII: sometimes a Time Traveler always switch bodies in whatever timeline their in.

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XIII: A time traveler is not allowed to manipulate the time stream to bring the past or future version of somebody to the present in place of their dead counterpart; a time traveler cannot use time travel to resurrect the dead.


XIV: A time traveler must not travel back in time to rewrite the script to your favorite show, so that you ship is canon or to keep your favorite character alive


XV: If thou shalt have been caught in a time loop, simply use scissors to cut the time loop, and escape.


XVI: Remember that time is nothing but a coordinate axis.

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XVII: A Time Traveller is required to report any experiences of time paradoxes to the proper time travel authorities. Collateral time damage caused by said paradoxes will be deducted from the Time Traveller’s paycheck.

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XVIII: A Time Traveller is required to time travel or else will not be considered a time traveller because of logic.


XIX: A time traveler is not allowed to use time travel to manipulate the creation of the Interdimensional Laws of Time. Such behavior is considered unethical, for reasons most obvious.


XX: A time traveler CANNOT prevent bionicle G1’s cancellation, or else it would set off a chain of events that would lead to the destruction of the fabric of our very reality.