Introduce Yourself!

You sure are a monstrosity. I’m just kidding, you’re a great guy. :stuck_out_tongue:


I wonder if I should ever post an actual thing about me
I think the only thing I posted here was that I am potao, and that I wasnt a ripoff potato


Wait a sec! You like fresh… beagles!? Quick! Everybody hide your dogs and lock your doors! He’s coming for them! :wink:

OOC: I just realized your profile pick is the MOC from your YouTube intro. I always thought it was a dragon wearing a top-hat…


I feel kinda late but who cares?

Hi I’m Dreysidel (DREY-Zi-DELL) and I do stuffz like Video Games,Bionicles and go on long walks around my city. I like Eljay’s recap review’s and on Ebay today. That will be all.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I’m highly superstitious in my routine (■■■■■ goes on before pants…I know…and I don’t care it brings good luck).


Hi everybody, I’m Simsy and I’m some random guy on the internet (shocking, I know). I started following TTV a few months back when the Bionicle 2015 rumors started popping up, though I originally started watching because of the recap reviews (hooray for convenient timing!). With all this news about the return of one of my favourite franchises, I finally figured I might as well jump into the community, so… here I am.


Hello Simsy! Welcome to the Message Boards! If you ever need anything, feel free to PM any of the members on here! We’re all quite nice. Well, except that one guy. We just ignore him. :wink:

Also, as @LelouchViBritannia would say…


Funny thing is I’d probably react similarly to Squidward in that situation :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome to Jurassic Park… I mean to the TTV Forums.


Hello, internet people! I am Jurgen! Nerd semi-extraordinaire! Reader of books, Player of games, watcher of shows, teller of bad jokes!
Seriously, don’t ever listen to any of my jokes. They’re terrible. Not like “ugh that pun” terrible, but rather “what is this you have broken my mind why would you do this” terrible.

Favorite fandoms include Doctor Who, RWBY, PC gaming (mostly strategy and RPG), most sci-fi and fantasy, reading absolutely everything ever, and Warhammer 40,000.


Welcome to die


Hello Jurgen! As a representative of the Internet people, I’d like to welcome you to the TTV Message Boards!

also be scared of (name removed).


Welcome to the boards. :smiley:


If insanity occurs there’s nothing you can do.

If you have any run-ins with [name removed due to violation of the source code of the universe] you need to message [name removed due to violation of the source code of the universe] and tell him [name removed due to violation of the source code of the universe] has been found and needs to be exterminated.

I realize that you can’t see any of the names because they violate the source code of the universe but you’ll know who they are.

no I’m not one of them


My comedy style is basically the same at times.

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Welcome to here Jurgen, we hope you enjoy your stay, be careful not to die

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I join a group and they immediately warn me to be careful of the insanity.
I think I’m gonna fit in just fine here! :smiley:
Thanks for the welcome!


This describes like, every forum I’ve ever joined.

Gets old after a while.

But yeah, welcome to the Boards, I’m Nyran, local Sour Knight, feel free to PM me if any issues about things and such arise ever anywhere on the Boards.


Technically, we are warning him not to die

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Hello gathered friends. I’m Brorok I’m a comic book maker. Film maker. Writer and all around nice guy. I am a huge bionicle enthusiast and a fan of the TTV shows. So hi guys nice to meet you.


Instant Egotist, 0/10.

Nah, not really. Welcome to the Boards. I’m Nyran. I’m active and stuffs, and if you have any issues regarding the Boards, feel free to shoot me a PM and such.