Introduce Yourself!

oh my god why didn’t I do this sooner

Incase you didn’t already know me, I’m Shadezy, otherwise known as Shade, ShadeHedgehog, Mischief, Dekura, and that one guy who once took a shower at the car wash. Seriously, I did that once. :laughing:

My first Bionicle set was Tahnok-Kal, from way back in 2003. Since I didn’t really know how to build it, I just scattered the pieces everywhere. Now I still can’t find them, and I still feel bad about it.

During 2012, I accidentally stumbled upon a trailer for a Bionicle Minecraft movie on YouTube, called “BioCraft: Chronicles”, made by some guys who call themselves “thethreevirtues”. I started checking out some of their other content afterwards, and I’ve been a fan ever since.

I joined the Boards back on July, and I’ve been very active on here since then, most of the time either roleplaying or just discussing about random stuff. I’ve met many people on here who have grown on me, and I hope that I meet many more great users on here :smiley:


Welcome to the boards. :smiley:

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Nice to meet you, newcomer Shadezy.


Because my previous introduction was SO explanatory, I figured I would craft another.

Hello all. I am Helryx08. Bionicle was the theme that got me into LEGO, and I have always loved it. In terms of LEGO, I also am a fan of Ninjago and Mixels. Expanding upon that, I enjoy The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit and Star Wars (old canon/Expanded Universe).

Overall, I do not have much of an internet presence.

I live in the state of Arizona (USA), also known as ‘that really hot state’.

I really enjoy this community.

And… that is pretty much it.

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(Re posting my thingamig because the first one didnt really explain me, or why I am here)
Hai im potato and I joined tomorrow, I am a master cus I haxorz

Okay in all seriousness, I am pot8o, the jerk who posts random annoying stuff on topics, creates dumb topics, uh I also make mocs…they suck…uh what else
Oh and I am a potato
feel free to pm me if you need anything, Altho @Risebell or @Nyran would probs be more helpful


Indeed I would. 8D

@Nyran perhaps you are a mod- but you don’t lead the Cult that is Illuma- I MEAN: What? No. I’ve got aviators and a nose, unlike you~ :stuck_out_tongue:


For a moment there, I thought you were trying to explain a time-travel feat using the horcruxes from Harry Potter.


Mostly me, tho.

As I have my magic mod shield and all the powers associated with it.


The hammer of the Mod squad is just but it is merciless. Stay off the streets at night, close your windows, and lock your doors. Big brother is watching.


Well, all the Makutafest joinees are reintroducing themselves, so I may as well do the same.

For anyone that doesn’t know, I’m Ekorak. I enjoy both Bio-MOCing and System MOCing. My favorite LEGO themes are BIONICLE and Ninjago.

If anyone says that I cause the rain, they’re (mostly) wrong.

My favorite shows on TTV are Recaps and the podcast itself.

My favorite host changes often depending on how they act. It is currently Meso. For all I know, that could become Eljay tomorrow, or it could switch to Kahi in a week.

In the incredibly, incredibly unlikely event you actually needed to contact me, you could PM me or email me.


Hello everyone. I’m Hydraxilos, and I’m pretty much unknown around these

I’ve been a Bionicle fan ever since it first launched in 2001, when I got
four of the Toa Mata (Tahu, Gali, Lewa and Onua) for my sixth birthday; getting
Kopaka and Pohatu afterwards. Ever since then, I’ve attentively followed Bionicle
(buying most of the sets and silently observing the fan community) for the rest
of its initial run (or Gen 1), even after the end of the story in 2010.

I’ve found TTV through Bionicle Autopsy some time after Bionicle ended (2013).
I did not join the Youtube community until the first Bionicle leaks appeared,
and now here I am. My favourite TTV shows include Bionicle Autopsy, On Ebay
Today and the podcast itself.

I’m also into Marvel (mostly the MCU, but also understand the comic elements
to some degree); and Star Wars (mainly a fan of the characters that wear armor;
although I do know quite a bit about most other Star Wars related things in


Welcome. As we have said many times before, feel free to PM me, @Nyran, @Risebell, @Chronicler, or any of us if you have any questions…


Yeah those guis

and not me

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Just got around to making an account, hi, I’m Yink glad to be able to comment after being here for like two months.
and my bio pasted here, for convenience

Much like you (assumably, since you’re reading this)
I like BIONICLE, been a fan since '02.

My second favorite thing is Kamen Rider, Den-O
(and by extension Momotaros) ftw.

oh, and transformers, and Nintendo(Kid Icarus uprising, Zelda, etc.), and video games in general really…

I hate writing bio’s like this because they always sound awkward,
or rather make me sound awkward,
but I think this came out alright.

-Kamen Rider
-Video Games
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle(for power)

That was way too long…


I love you.


Welcome to the boards. :smiley:

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Welp I’m about one month and a few days late, but hey, fashionably late

Found it on Youtube(ofcourse) and my favorite channel would be Eljay’s recap reviews

I am a Prime, sworn to follow my master, the Toa of Mangosteen. I am also a human who lives in Wisconsin and loves pomegranate.


Made my account yesterday. Hi I’m Sectoid. Long time lurker first time poster on these boards. I’ve been a fan of Bionicle since the ‘Metrutoran’ came out. I’m a avid gamer and movie watcher.

Favorite things:

-Doctor Who (Tom Baekr iz G0d)
-Gaming (XCOM, TF2 etc.)
-Movies (Forrest Gump)
-And Bionicle of course

Well that’s a quick bio of me, look forward to meet ya’ll.

(Oh yeah, I’m Dutch.)


If you’ve lurked, you already know how crazy it can get, so there’s no point in warning you.

If you need help, PM me, Nyran, Political_Slime, or that one guy down the street.