Is BIONICLE Generation 2 Really That Impressive?

mic drop

but yeah, everything CGL said pretty much

RIP HF, you were so random with your cliffhangers



Changed Title For More Clarity.

I got to admit you’re right in some places.
But your approach to your argument isn’t right.
Just coming in and vexing people to prove a point won’t support your argument.


Keep in mind that the original BIONICLE stole building systems, too. In fact, it was too similar to Slizers, build-wise and everything (including the pieces!). All BIONICLE did was add some functions with the gears. Heck, it even stole the disk thing from Slizers.

Yet Slizers is ignored, just like Hero Factory. I wonder why… Oh yeah. Because BIONICLE is doing it so much better.

The new BIONICLE is kinda like how the old one started out. It’s using the previous line’s build system and adding better stuff to it. More play features, more well-made designs, better weapons, and (people will argue with me for this) better storyline.

So really, I find you’re argument quite silly. BIONICLE adds so much more that Hero Factory failed to deliver.

Also, don’t like the attitude buster. Try not to act pretentious, like Var and Eljay were saying.


Ok, you have some good points, and Bionicle gen 2 is certainly not perfect, but saying it is worse than hero factory is, in my opinion, unfair. Now I’m gonna stick with the story and characters for this because I feel that’s the most important thing to me in this topic. and while it is true, hero factory did have more of a budget in its animations, but I feel that these 90 second animations of bionicle’s say more about the world. For example, in hero factory everyone we meet is a robot who is built. And building heroes is in the start of every episode. Yet we are never told who built it all to begin with. Same with things like the “villain factory”, or the brains, they were never explained. Now let’s compare this two the first episode of the animations. Ekimu and Makuta are both established, and we don’t need to question where they came from too mush at this point due to it just being the start, and they were assumedly “born”. Our conflict is set up with motivation for both Ekimu and Makuta, and details about the history of the world and these characters is given. Now there are still numerous questions, but they don’t break away at one of the core ideas of the story. That’d be like if it were never explained where masks came from.

Also, and this is probably very biased, but I think the characters have been set up better in G2 than in hero factory. While it is true that bionicle has some characters who’s personalities haven’t been much explored (looking at you Gali) I feel that hero factory suffers this more, which is odd considering the added budget and length. I never really knew the characters of Bulk and Nex that well, and heck, Evo’s character switched completely in his second appearance with no explanation. All that said, neither are perfect (heck neither was G1) but I do think bionicle G2 is showing better character and story development than hero factory.

And the sets are better. Sorry, I said I was focusing on story but come on! The hero factory sets they… they aren’t good! Well, except Witch Doctor, he was pretty good I guess. But Voltix or Jaw Blade? Come on…

Wow that’s a lot of text. What am I doing with my life?!?


Making good points and showing this guy why BIONICLE Gen2 is good. :wink:


Oh ok… well when you put it like that I feel so much better!


This topic seems like bait, and I’m incredibly disappointed someone would create an account just for that. I’m going to make a point here. Bionicle 2016 seems to have had a budget increase, actleast one greater than Hero Factory’s. This would suggest 2015 sold exceptionally well, whereas Hero Factory ended up being cancelled without even being allowed to end. My point, those of us who you are talking to, are the minority of buyers. So you make this topic saying HF is better than Bionicle G2, yet inorder for it to have had a massive budget increase, sets must’ve been received far better by kids than HF did. So you say Hero Factory is superior to Bionicle, but it seems Bionicle drew more people in than HF did. Now I dont know this as a fact, but it’s safe to assume this is the case.
Also, the sets are just better, they’re not jumbled messes. You get a better price per parts ratio, actual characters (the Heroes are as generic as they get) some awesome functions and collectibles.


Like Var always says, kids understand complex bionicle names. Their dumb parents who buy them the sets, don’t. That’s why the characters have such simple names.


It’s not that they can’t learn it, it’s because parents just don’t want to.


Oh god one of these Topics.

Why do we even post on these? Can’t we just ignore the obvious flamebait?

And yes, I’m aware that I myself just posted on it.



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Yeeeah, it doesn’t seem like anything else meaningful will be gotten out of this. In which case, down it goes.