Is BIONICLE Generation 2 Really That Impressive?

My experience has been hit and miss. I’ve had said problem with some of the sets. Gali, Onua, and Slicer specifically. But with the rest, it’s worked fine. Sure, sometimes the arms flop and such, but not enough times for me to be able to complain about it.

Also, I had no trouble with Kulta’s gear system and giant weapon. Like I just said, it happens, but not frequently.

EDIT: The problem with Slicer is different, his arms just get in the way of his other arms.

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I’m gunna be honest, I found g2 disappointing. It had so much potential that wasn’t used especially in he story department. Bionicle started in 2001 and has had over ten years since then for Lego to make a way better version, and it just wasn’t.

Now don’t get me wrong, g2 is good and I have every set and duplicates of quite a few, it just doesn’t have the same feel that I fell in love with in g1 is all. And that disappoints me.


I agree.

The sets aren’t great, but they’re a good kick-off point for a first year.

The story on the other hand was a just a huge missed opportunity, and from what I’ve seen the book hasn’t really changed that, at least for me.


Exactly, even with the book it’s just not all there. But hopefully year 2 will fix that


I grew up with g1,
I like ccbs,
I like g2,
I wish some things were different,
but overall I like it.

that is all.


Those are defiantly faults. Every now and then, somebody ends up with a faulty piece, but the sets seemed to have been designed with a somewhat stiff connection.


Well you’re being intentionally “edgy” and inviting us to do this, what with the provocative title and whatnot


Good job with the self fullfilling prophecy

Notice the “semi”

I speak primarily concerning the Technic add-ons that Tahu and Lewa had. And mainly Onua’s custom shoulders.


the title should have been “Bionicle 2015 good or bad?” because you already imply negativity in the title wich you are not supposed to do when you write articles like these.
and this is something everyone on the boards should also do.

BIONICLE 2015 sucks.



Thank you for that very solid explanation. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


what? oh xD

ET-NL= Edited Title: not Legomastttttter


but we still have a book and a graphic novel left, so the story isn’t done for this year yet

just felt like clarifying that 8P


*UKnighted insultes Bonkle 2015 fans

*Bonkle 2015 fans retaliate with with well reasoned arguments

Also, I prefer the animations to the HF TV show. Better to have one voice actor than cliché after cliché, and cliffhangers that are never followed up on.




911, I just witnessed a murder.


They way they are going I really don’t think that will change the overall story much. But who knows.

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[quote=“Paradox, post:55, topic:13734, full:true”]
Better to have one voice actor than cliché after cliché[/quote]

You say that as if the animations aren’t rife with clichés as well.


So you’re telling me that Bionicle is bad because of bogus reasons and expecting me to get all worked up about your own narrow mindedness?

So salty right now./s


I will state this simply and clearly.
I liked Bionicle G1. It was not perfect. I hated most of the small sets, I disliked the torsos on many of the canister sets. The titan sets were usually good though. The story was pretty great overall, with a rich world - but I was frustrated at the sparse character development, and the story could and did fall prey to cliche storms - particularly in the 2004 arc, which was like discount Star Wars in many ways. Regardless, I liked it.

I liked Hero Factory. It was not perfect. The CCBS system was new, so I can excuse the lackluster execution, but it was still lackluster outside of Witch Doctor and all of Breakout. The story had a lot of potential, but that went similarly underutilized, with one-off villains and sequel hooks that were never picked back up. While many hated it for that, I just feel sad that it turned out that way. The lack of character development was again, a big problem. Regardless, I liked it.

I like Bionicle G2. It is not perfect. The sets are in fact pretty great, but there are still some nitpicks to be made, and while the gearbox system is a good start, I would still like more complexity. (And let me clarify that I mean complexity of build, not aesthetic. Honestly, I would like to see all of those tiny pistons and bits… but I would prefer that they are not actually just there for show, and legitimately function.) The story isn’t too complex at the moment, but like Hero Factory there is a lot of potential; unlike Hero Factory it does seem to have a definite planned direction. I doubt it’ll ever reach the same level of immersiveness as G1 did, but it doesn’t need to. Regardless, I like it.

So no, I’m not salty. I may disagree with your opinion and find it poorly based, but it is your opinion, after all, so I’ll just leave you to it.

Good day.