Jemoph v10: Beastly Bruiser

no exact story

or maybe it’s still the “oh I stumbled upon a sick mask that powers me up”

in either case my self moc got upgraded and powered up


mainly created for the corrupt onua mask

so yeah he’s not perfect and there were limitations I had but I made the best of what I had and upgraded

critique and comment!


Pretty solid, if a bit generic. Maybe add more Trans Lime? Also I’d recommend trying some custom designs in the upper arms and lower legs especially.


He returns.
Extremely solid.


Simple yet elegant

They say “Don’t fix something that is not broken.”

Same goes for this.

He definitely improved since the last time i saw him.

He definitely needs more thans lime green on him.

I agree with almost everyone here he needs more lime green

From some reason, I think he looks fine as it is.

pretty simple and solid, although i do agree with @Maethorneth trans lime would be nice if more evenly distributed