Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney - An Interactive Adventure

I’m sorry if I did something wrong, but I have no idea how it’s supposed to end, so I’m not sure if my suggestions would make a revision…

Viper only narrates HoB, someone else (I think Var) writes the script!


Was Eljay wearing a jacket?


We did find a pen earlier. Did we fingerprint it?

Wait, the pen was empty!

She denied the scarf was hers earlier. (At least I think) LJ did not recall her having the purple one right?

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Well, it didn’t have any notes in it, anyways. It’s a normal pen. And yes, we did:

When did she do that? I’d like to know…

My bad, we didn’t ask her about it.

Eljay: Kahi, if you can’t find the contradiction, press her statements or present something! I would recommend the former in this situation!

If this isn’t a contradiction, then why did Invictus write the note? Was Eljay threatening him?

Of all the notes LJ could’ve forced Invitus to write, why “2006 Zaktan” Also, she mentions the paper was ripped beforehand? That doesn’t make any sense. Present the note.

Press for the script she claims to have written.


Viper: I don’t know what you mean. Where did you get the Zaktan from? Note that I haven’t even gotten a good glimpse of the thing in the first place. I wouldn’t know anything about it.

Viper: I already answered this in my previous testimony. Invictus was probably writing a death note, and yes, he was threatening him.

Viper: No no. I was pretty sure Varderan announced that I was helping out with it. Do you have any evidence that he said I wasn’t?

Viper: Well, for jacket, I’m talking about what he’s currently wearing, as he’s wearing a business jacket.

Present the note.


Sorry if I’m behind, but “2006” and “Zaktan” don’t seem like death notes.

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Viper: Oh. That must be the second piece that Eljay ripped up and tried to throw away. Good thing you got your hands on it!

Kahi: Ms. Viper, I have a hard time believing “2006 Zaktan” is a death note. In fact, I don’t even think Eljay would allow that to be written.

If anything, it’s a clue to the person who actually owned the original set!

Viper: Right. And that’s Eljay.

Kahi: That’s not an absolute, Ms. Viper. In fact, I doubt he even owned the original set! I say that YOU did!

Viper: Oh yeah? Prove it then. Prove I owned that Zaktan!


Present the Zaktan!

Try to match the “Unidentified” prints on the canister to the ones on Viper’s pen. Also say that she likes Zaktan.


Viper: AGH! I already told you, I’m tired of everyone saying I love Zaktan! And now you present that to me? Stop it. Stop it I tell you! I’m tired of all of this!

Kahi: But you know it’s true. You like Zaktan!

Viper: But I don’t have a stupid obsession with him! You’re just like everyone else, you… You jerk! AGH!


Kahi: (Wow. She even broke that one thing that came out of nowhere. That’s pretty upset.)

Viper: NOW SHUT UP ABOUT ZAKTAN! I don’t want to hear anymore about him!


She broke evidence! Judge Ven?

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Venom: Lol this doesn’t count.



Kahi: Your honor, I want to request that we examine the fingerprints on the Zaktan Canister as well as compare it with the pen’s!

Venom: I’ll allow it.

Varderan: Hah. You’re still missing something, Kahi. While you’ve made Viper truly upset, and your waiting for your evidence, you still have yet to divert it to her. In fact, this testimony has proven, if anything, her innocence.

Kahi: (I got to do something while I wait for those results!)

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Kahi: Your honor, do I have permission to kick this guy out of court? He’s being disruptive.

Venom: Leave him for now. But if he disrupts again, I will have to kick him out.