Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney - An Interactive Adventure

Punch me in my stupid scarred face.


I support that idea =P
actually no, cause then he would get madā€¦

Detention Center as Arthaka said
seems like the best option

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Visit the detention center


Detention Center
August 11th
9:56 AM

MT: Hello, Kahi. I would think you have questions for me.

Kahi: Yeah, a lot of them. And I expect you to answer. Youā€™ve been keeping secrets from me, havenā€™t you?

MT: Of course I have. I donā€™t want you to lose the case because I gave you some out-of-place ideas. You gotta figure it out yourself.

Kahi: Thatā€™s not how it works, MT. As a lawyer, I need to trust my client, however, I find myself more suspicious of you more than anything.

MT: Fine, then. Ask all the questions you want. It may be difficult though.

Kahi: Why?

MT: Because Iā€™m not going to be easy with telling the truth.

Kahi: (What the-? Psyche Locks? Why havenā€™t I seen these in this game before? Do I even have the Magatama with me?)


Kahi: (Huh. I guess I do. Dunno why this hasnā€™t appeared beforehand. Looks like something that was just shoe-horned into the plot.)

MT: Well? Ask away.

Kahi: (I remember thisā€¦ I have to present EVIDENCE for this in order to get him to speak up.)


Show him the picture of me with the book.

Just remember, this has to be a sequence of things, alright? Iā€™ll start off.


MT: So what is your first question?

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I donā€™t know anything about Ace Attorney. Imma let others do this.

Same. Iā€™m just guessing to be honest.

What happened between you and Cronk before the ceremony?


Why does YOUR planner say ā€œRevengeā€ for 7:20?


MT: I have no idea of what you are talking about. Iā€™ve never seen a planner like that.

Kahi: Yes you do.

MT: Oh yeah? Then show it to me!

Show him the planner, and ask him why he decided not to have tea today.

Kahi: You know very well what this book is, especially when it says your NAME on it!

MT: So what does it say?

Kahi: It says ā€œ7:20 PM - Revenge.ā€ What was this revenge about?

MT: Pff. Why would I need revenge? I already have everything. And I certainly would not kill Indi over anything.

Kahi: You certainly did have dinner with him though.

MT: So what? What makes you so certain I even entered Indiā€™s room anyways? Who is to say that it didnā€™t happen in mine?

Kahi: What are you suggesting?

MT: What Iā€™m suggesting is what you suggested: the murder took place in my room. Now, then, next question.


Chatroom. Ask why he left when he did

Kahi: Why did you leave the chatroom.

MT: I had business to do according to my planner.

Kahi: You donā€™t meanā€¦

MT: Yep.

Kahi: So wait, then. You DID murder Indigo?

MT: Didnā€™t say I did. I just had to take revenge on something. You know what that would be?

-Bloody Sheet
-Picture of Indiā€™s room
-Chatroom Recording
-Security footage
-Indigoā€™s Schedule
-Planning Book

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The knife, and ask about who killed Indi.

MT: The knife? Take revenge on the knife? Hah! I wasnā€™t being sarcastic that time you know.

Kahi: So who did kill Indi?

MT: Seriously, Kahi. You are being sarcastic, right? I told you I wonā€™t budge. So what would I want revenge on?

-Bloody Sheet
-Picture of Indiā€™s room
-Chatroom Recording
-Security footage
-Indigoā€™s Schedule
-Planning Book

Well you seem to have a some issues with Cronk (show gossip column) and in the chat room things got a bit heated (show chat room).


MT: Hmmā€¦ So you finally figured it out. As you would imagine, me and Chronicler didnā€™t exactly get off on the right footing. So I decided we should take it outside of the chatroom right after a meeting in the chat. Thatā€™s what ā€œRevengeā€ was for.

Kahi: Hmmā€¦ So then how does Indi play into all of this?

MT: Youā€™ll figure it out in the trial when I witness. However, that doesnā€™t mean much for now. Now then, any more questions?


Did indigo help with the ā€œrevengeā€?

MT: Well, he was supposed to, but he didnā€™t. However, he wouldnā€™t shut up about it whatsoever.

Kahi: So what youā€™re saying is that someone killed him over that?

MT: He mustā€™ve blabbed to Chronicler or something, but as if Chronicler killed Indi I do not know. However, I do feel that a motive of ā€œspiting Indi to get revenge on meā€ is a good motive, wouldnā€™t you say?

Kahi: No. Chronicler could not have done it.

MT: You sure? After all, me and Chronicler had been gone at the same times. Either one of us is open to being the murderer. The biggest question is: who? Who is the one who did it?

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