Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Lets visit meso

Should we grill Meso for more details?

Let us review what we know.

That would probably be smart.

Detention Center
February 16th

Mesonak: What are you doing here again, Kahi?

Sorry Meso, but we need details about the day of the murder.

Mesonak: MURDER? What murder? I didn’t kill anyone!

Sorry, theft! (Why did you have murder on your mind Kahi?)

Mesonak: Well stop freaking me out, bro! That isn’t cool!

We found Quake beast

Mesonak: Oh, cool I guess. It was still at the crime scene, right?

Not quite, we found it at Risebell’s place.

Mesonak: What was it doing at that scrubby place?


We’re not quite sure, but that’s why we need some info Meso. If you did steal quake beast, what else happened at the theft?

Just had an idea, the bag had a zipper, and a zipper was heard during the blackout.


Mesonak: It’s unclear, really. All I remember is that I totally got rekt’d by some guy as I was escaping the scene, then I got up and ran for the nearest exit. I dropped Quake Beast, too.

What did you do next?

What is quake beast’s texture?

Mesonak: I won’t say. It will just lead to you not believing me further…

Mesonak: Kinda rough, I guess. I had gloves on so I didn’t feel it very well.

Was there a blackout pr-chance when you went to the convention?