Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

As ready as we normally are.

Venom: Alright, then.

Venom: Let us begin the trial of the State of New York vs. Mesonak.

Venom: Then we shall bring up our first witness.

Eljay: I call to bring up Miru*DeMask, or should I say… Mesonak.

Courtroom has some chatter.

Kahi: (Oh great… He’s going to try and convict him HERE and right now. This does not look good.)

Mesonak: Marde Gras!

Eljay: Yes yes, now “Miru*DeMask” or whatever you call yourself, state your name and occupation.

Mesonak: Name’s Mesonak. I’m a member of the TTV Podcast, so everyone can get REKT’D because I have special privilege.

Eljay: Hmm… I see. Now, then. Shall we get to the-

Mesonak: WAIT. I need to tell everyone this before the testimony begins. I AM GUILTY! I CAN SAY THAT WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY!

Eljay: Oh? So you admit your guilt right here and now?


There is little to no evidence supporting that yet witness! Give your testimony first.

Kahi: As the defense, I can speak for Mesonak and say he is NOT thinking straight right now. He’s afraid.

Eljay: That’s funny, because he seems pretty sane to me.

GG it was fun guys.

He’s been acting very strange, and claiming that he might spoil the “suprise”


Where is the evidence to support Meso’s psyche is not rattled Eljay?

Eljay: I suppose you could take into account the lack of evidence. Whatever. I’ll just convict him the normal way. Let’s proceed with that testimony, Meso. And don’t waste our time going any… alternate routes.

Mesonak: So maybe I did steal Quake Beast. So what? I bet you don’t have a speck of evidence. So take that, scrubs!
So yeah, I didn’t steal Quake Beast. No siree, I did not! I didn’t drop much either when the black-out occurred. I was just there to see the sets, lol. Quake Beast was legit. So was Umarekt’d. So, I hope you scrubs have a nice day. Because as Kahi said, I’m not guilty. If you can believe that with absolute certainty.

#Court Record
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand Miru*DeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

! ! ! ! ! !

The card says it wan’t meso.

Did you come into contact with anyone that night?

Kahi: The card says it was NOT Mesonak!

Eljay: So what? I could write on a card that I’m not Eljay. Penalty, please!

#Court Record
Mesonak: So maybe I did steal Quake Beast. So what? I bet you don’t have a speck of evidence. So take that, scrubs!
So yeah, I didn’t steal Quake Beast. No siree, I did not! I didn’t drop much either when the black-out occurred. I was just there to see the sets, lol. Quake Beast was legit. So was Umarekt’d. So, I hope you scrubs have a nice day. Because as Kahi said, I’m not guilty. If you can believe that with absolute certainty.
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand Miru*DeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

! ! ! ! !

While the card says that, we probably should press Meso for more info.

You didn’t drop much? Could you please elaborate?

Edited for Double Post.

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Oh god I’m way too late for this.

I’ll wait for the short version

You could say something about how mr.quakey was found in risebells room

Let’s wait on presenting anything yet guys.

Mesonak: When it went dark I decided to escape the scene. I dropped a few things, namely a bag and my little button thing on my coat, whatever that is called. I can say that with absolute certainty.

What sort of bag was it exactly?

What did this bag look like? and what was in it?

Mesonak: It was basically a sheet, something you use for you bedding which I fitted to properly fit as a bag. I usually keep the leaks and sets I steal in there. Especially Quake Beast.

But I thought you said you didn’t steal Quake Beast. And Besides you didn’t have Quake beast Meso. It was found somewhere else!

Risebell had qb