Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Kahi: Meso, do you recognize this bag?

Mesonak: … Perhaps.

Kahi: What? You’ve seen this bag?

Mesonak: Yes, I have.

“When and where did you see it?”

Mesonak: I saw it on the ground next to the display, okay?

Can he tell us who’s it is?

Mesonak: Unfortunately no.

(This is important news) If this bag was already at the crime scene I have reason to suspect another of stealing the set.

Meso wouldn’t know about the gun yet Emerald.

Edited for Double Post.

“Could it belong to the person who threatened you with the object inside it?”

Mesonak: NO! Don’t think that way! I stole the set! You gotta believe me!

Sorry Meso, but there is another and I have evidence to prove it.

Is it true that you have been threatened into pleading guilty? Possibly by the owner of this bag?

Mesonak: I’m going to be stern with you. No, I was not threatened. I’m doing this because I know better NOT to convict myself was not guilty.

Did you just say you are not guilty? /jk

Going back to the fingerprints issue, ask Eljay how thorough is investigation was.

Eljay: Very thorough.

Venom: I’m getting bored of this conversation. Can we, like, move onto the next witness? All this has established is that we don’t know the actual person who did it.

Eljay: Be my guest your honor.

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The defense has no objections.

Good. Break time, guys. I need to take a break from doing this game.

Cool, need dinner anyway. Cya later.

Alright, now to start the game again.

Eljay: The prosecution calls Mrs. White Rainbow up to the stand, if she may.

BlueCel: You can call me BlueCel, if you’re lazy enough.

Kahi: (I’m certainly lazy enough.)

Eljay: Name and Occupation.

BlueCel: Do we really need to do this? Fine. White Rainbow, blah blah blah person in charge of the ToyFair BIONICLE section thing. There, happy?

Eljay: Please, give us your testimony. What did you see during the incident?

BlueCel: I saw a Miru coming down in the darkness. It was terrible! His white hand grabbed Quake Beast as fast as he could, and dropped something as he tried to get back up. It may have been the red pin. The zipping sound occurred so it must have been the pulley, and then I heard someone running. It was a minute later when I heard a loud CRACK sound. I presumed it was the pulley which broke, and the thief landed next to me. I heard grunting, and he stumbled up to get to an exit. A few minutes later the lights went back on. Quake Beast was gone!

A visualization of her testimony.

#Court Record
Mesonak: So maybe I did steal Quake Beast. So what? I bet you don’t have a speck of evidence. So take that, scrubs!
So yeah, I didn’t steal Quake Beast. No siree, I did not! I didn’t drop much either when the black-out occurred. I was just there to see the sets, lol. Quake Beast was legit. So was Umarekt’d. So, I hope you scrubs have a nice day. Because as Kahi said, I’m not guilty. If you can believe that with absolute certainty.
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed Miru
DeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.

! ! ! ! !

Except Meso claims the red pin is his theif’s calling card, meaning he would have no reason to try and retrieve it. Are you sure it wasn’t something else?

BlueCel: Augh! Look, correct me on my assumptions all you want, I don’t know if that’s what really happened! I’m just going by what I heard and saw during the black out!

I would like to ask how you saw the Miru. Was it not completely dark?