Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

A quick review of the evidence plz @Chronicler? :slight_smile:

The waffles box has @looch’s finger prints on it. Also @Plural stole them from him. Also look at how terrified @Plural WAS OF @Looch. That wasn’t fake.

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##Court Record

Attorney’s badge: Tells people that I’m an attorney.
Watch: A normal watch that happens to lack any fingerprints. Was found outside of TTV Law Offices.
Eggo Waffle Truck: Say’s “Plural’s Leggo Waffles.” Originally said “Plural’s Eggo Waffles.”
Waffles: Stolen yesterday by Plural. It seems to have the “M” washed off. However, it still retains the prints of Plural and Looch. Has been opened, and is missing a waffle.
Spray paint: Has the prints of Plural on it. Sprays black paint.
Sword: The supposed Murder Weapon. Contains the fingerprints of Prpl Dragon, as well as the blood of Plural Ogel. Was taken off of the wall of Kahi’s office.

Autopsy Report: Contains Plural’s autopsy. He was beheaded by his head getting ripped off. Prior to that he got in a struggle, getting a few bruises on his torso and lower legs.

Picture of the Scene.

Plural Mask: Contains no blood. Has little bite marks on it.
VIPER’S CLOCK IN: 8:20 PM to 8:40 PM.

! ! ! !

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We didn’t accuse anyone, we just said the other assailant because there evidence to suggest it wasn’t just Prpl

Eljay: And I am asking for a SUSPECT! You need a suspect, gosh darnit! Give me a suspect!

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Oh, Looch.

BECAUSE of reasons I’m going to type in a sec, as soon as I think of them.

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This eggo box has the prints from another man named Looch. I believe he could have been the other assailant.


Is the watch broken? If so, what time does it say?

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We have to have evidence.


Has everyone forgot what I said.

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Plural stole from him

Eljay: Alright, now prove he did it.

Message: GUYS, alright. This is getting too much. Slow down a little and stop. Please. Just let me take a break.


I don’t know but a finger print and a motive.


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-Present the waffle case

This was stolen by Plural from Looch.

-Show Truck picture and spraycan.

Plural intended to revitalize his buisessnes by selling Leggo waffles. Looch doesn’t take kindly to this, and since Plural has already ratted out one of his henchmen before it makes sense for him to go after Plural.


aight, take all the time you need Cronk.

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What time does that watch say? I have an idea

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What about it.


@Triple Slow down a bit. One question/statement at a time please.

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Guys, look what Cronk said in his last post, lets take a breather for a bit.


(I’m gonna be handing out penalties to people who try to stray too far ahead. Alright, guys? Slow down.)