Kanoka In Progress

Something I’ve been working on this past month.

My Process so far: I’ve bought almost a dozen plastic plates from Target that are approximately the same size and shape to use as a base. From there I file out the grooves on the sides and sand away the product information to smooth out the surface. From there, I spray on the base layer of primer, spray on the secondary layer of paint, and use the stencil to spray on the symbols of the city districts.
Right now most of the disks have been filed down, but I need to clean out my file to finish the rest. I’ve cut out most of the stencils, though I do need to redo one of them.


These look great!


So you say these are plates - are they not being designed to be thrown?


Good gravy, I can’t wait to see how these end up!

I too am curious about the base object - they look like frisbees?


Making kanoka is something I have never thought of before (mostly because kohllii gear would probably come first), but I like the idea! how durable are these, and are they balanced enough to be throwable?

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These are so cool, I’m looking forward to the results of this. Once you finish with making these kanoka I hope you can make a launcher to shoot them.

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We all know this is a cover up for your Vahi project. /s

Seriously, these are pretty cool, I’d love to try doing something like this myself one day. Keep us updated!


They are not designed to be thrown, but they throw quite well.

There are a surprising amount of people who have said they want me to make a launcher. I love the idea but I have no idea where to even start and unfortunately I have quite the list of futrue projects so a launcher likely won’t be made by me for a few years.
They’re not super durable, if you made maybe an inch long cut in one it’d probably be enough to let you tear it apart. But, they are very balanced and very throwable.


I can’t wait to see how these turn out

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Huh, well fair enough. I look forward to seeing the finished discs!

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It’s a nice distraction from everything going on today.


Looking great!

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Woah cool, what are they made from?

very excited for the finished product.

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The first prototype is done.

@Eilrach Plastic Plates!


that looks amazing! my only comment is that I think the symbol should be bigger, but if you are going for a hybrid movie/set design, or had other limitations, I get it.

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It turned out really great! Now that I realize it. It would have been genius if LEGO produced Kanoka Frisbees that would be identical to their piece counterparts.


Redid the stencil and gave the paint job another go

Update I have turned the garage into a Kanoka Production facility to finish up all 6 disks

Update 4/11/21 I am loving how these are turning out!
Update Week 20-ish
KanokaWeek20.3.PNG KanokaWeek20.2.PNG KanokaWeek20.PNG
Had to make a new disk from scratch cause the paint chipping on the Ga Metru disk was getting out of control but I’m trying a couple coats of plain ol primer instead of the paint/primer mix

The Ta, Ko, Le and Po disks are turning out pretty good though, so hopefully I won’t need to redo those


Wow, these look amazing.

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Week 21!
the Ko and Po Metru Disks are done, and the SD card for my camera will be in Wednesday so I can start filming the DIY tutorial!