Khafu the Red

man, this is aweesoome !!! :heart_eyes:

Dude, Jar Jar Binks is literally the best Star Wars character ever!

hAfU iS a SaMuRai CoNfIrMeD!!!1!!!1!1111!!1

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He’s really cool to see, especially the torso. I really like how all the masks fit on top of each other. I think that you could do some more with the hands, but other then that this is pretty much perfect.

OOOOHHHHHH. I get it now. The first Toa of stone eh?

Better than my entry, nice job.


I very much like how those lower legs work, as well as the rest of the moc too :stuck_out_tongue:

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What is the name of that piece on the forehead

Element 64797 Nute Gunray’s Fancy Hat

Got it with some random pieces through goodwill. Apparently it came in the 2012 version of Anakin’s Jedi Interceptor.

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This was way better than mine!

Almost looks like a regular action figure

Possibly, but I lost because WombatCombat said it didn’t resemble a Toa of Stone, which I agree with. Other than being brown there’s no real indication of his powers. It was still decent enough to make it into issue 29 of Blocks Magazine though. Got spotlit for its use of the Kakama mask.

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This moc is beautiful, for one. It has amazing shaping and colors. But can we talk about how wierd it is that two older mocs with the name Khafu just resurfaced at the same time? That’s pretty cool.

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I can see that.

I think while there’s a few too many shades of brown going on, the build is very beautiful and looks amazing, not to mention makes some excellent uses of obscure pieces. Very nice indeed.

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There is a point where one spades the early stages of moving and ascends to a higher conciousness, this is that point.

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