so some Context here, the reason why I made a Good Guy is because at the time I was doing a Marthon on Reviving Bionicle and I my Favorite Character in that series is actually Good Guy, and I wanted to make a fun small Moc, and so I did with the G2 style that I usually put in my Mocs, and so this Guy was born.
Aaaw, he’s cute. He’s definitely more poseable than my 2015 Good Guy (Assuming the pictures for him are even still up). The body is a bit complex for a good guy, but he’s just too cute to really care. You made a nice little representation for the 2015 sets to poke around with, and make fun of if they so choose.
Thanks, I wanted to make the body complax because I think it would work more with the G2 style I was going for, and hopefully you will see him in the future
I’ll definitely be eager to see him randomly pop up in more pictures, he definitely has charisma just from looking at him. That whole “He knows he’s technically a reject, but he’s just happy to be alive” vibe. Might actually salvage my 2015 Good Guy to make him before the parts on him break, because I swear, CCBS sockets shatter like glass if you don’t play with them at least once a week, at least for me, gotta be careful preserving those red bones given I think they’re still out of print.
That aside, I’m eager to see what other sets you’ve made, and improved from 2015, I’m sure you’ve made some good changes to the likes of Onua, given literally anything could make him a better set than he was.
You may not be the first, but you are by far the best from what I’ve seen out of this weird little subgroup of MOCs trying to “G2-ify” (is that a word? Is now ) ya happi boi Good Guy. While you have vastly improved his posability and parts count: the exposed ball joints on the lower arms, the lack of actual hands and instead exposed sockets (nice touch btw), the blocky body using fairly simple looking pieces, and that adorable little hunch from angled ball joint on that little liftarm piece, all carry over the charm and derpiness of the original. I suppose my only real objection is that the head looks a bit too overdetailed for this idea, but there was always no way that it could be avoided. Nothing quite tops the standard Metru head there in my book