When Kongu became a Toa Mahri, his weapon of choice was 2 Cordak Blasters. Canonically, he and the rest of the Toa Mahri got them from one of the Barraki’s supply caves, and they used the blasters (and their ammunition) in the battle against their enemies.
However, on the 2007 Bioniclestory .com website, there was an “Ask Greg” section, and the very first entry brought up a really good point: “What does/can he do if he runs out of ammo?” Greg replied with “there is plenty of ammo left over from the Barraki’s supplies” (or something like that). Well, if Kongu had enough Cordak ammo to last him the entire 2007 storyline, then that’s very fortunate for him. But hypothetically, what if he did run out of ammo? I’m being serious: what WOULD he do?
I like this solution - it sounds like a joke, but the Cordak blaster is a 6-rocket launcher to begin with. I’ve seen Greg’s solution that because of its excessive power, Toa must be careful when using it to overwhelm the opponent with the blast alone, without hitting the enemy directly (because it goes against the Toa code).
It would still be more merciful to hit them with the barrel of a gun than with a rocket launcher bullet.
I have one terrible thought - Kongu is the Toa of Air. They can’t control Elemental well underwater and are said to be greatly weakened.
Baraki, however, was a water breather.
And what would happen if you sprayed a water breather with air from a short distance?
Probably the same situation as when we are constantly sprayed with water in the mouth and nose: suffocation.
Of course, if he did that, he would suffer the same fate as Zaria though
He can direct those at enemies, thus propulsing them off of himself, which might be helpful in combat.
Also, those bubbles really look like air. And air in the Pit is a nasty stuff.
Hmm quite a weird situation you’ve brought up, never really thought of it. Doesn’t that mean that before they got their Cordax blasters he didn’t have anything?
Assuming that this question extends beyond his time in The Pit, here’s a quote taken from BS01:
After the Toa Mahri successfully revived Mata Nui, they returned to Metru Nui, where one of their mini-rockets was reverse-engineered. The Matoran in the city then manufactured them for the Toa’s use.
But, hypothetically if he ran out he would likely switch over to his new weapon he acquired before the Mahri’s mission to Zakaz more. But he could still use the blasters to channel his control over air- which he has used proficiently before. This second option is what he would fall to if he had ran out during his time fighting the Barraki.
One thing I can say for sure is that most of the toa have seen their toa tools as a tool to channeling elemental energy rather than as a just close combat weapon.
And Cordak blaster can function same way.
Without ammunition, he would fight with the use of elemental energy.