Kopaka GWP MOC Contest Entry: Iron Thief

Come on friend, it’s about time you’re back in the spotlight. I choose you – Iron Thief!

Iron Thief, the first Bionicle MOC I can recall building. One that remained built the longest of all my MOCs. This simple little spider Rahi has been around long enough that I cannot remember the exact year I built him. He wasn’t even photographed until years after his creation, first appearing more as a cameo to faceoff against “Silhouette” for an action scene. If I had to guess, somewhere in 2009 or 2010. It was before Hero Recon Team and my LDD builds, so before 2011 at least. And he wasn’t dismantled until 2020 at the earliest. It might have been in 2021, not entirely certain.


Oh right, that time he cameoed with “Silhouette” in 2012. My cousin, who graciously decided to photograph “Silhouette” for me, thought that my spider wasn’t threatening enough. He took off his Phantoka Kopaka’s blaster and attached it and a tail to my spider. This change has remained canon to these Rahi ever since, where they can install random weaponry they come across. So here’s a variation with the blaster.

Tail Blaster Variant:

Original Version:

Tail variant, as modified by cousin:

All pieces come in existing colors. Stud.io is in error about four pieces, which do come in light grey, but it only has one variation of two nearly identical parts. By default, the file has the tail attached.