Kopaka Nuva


As the spirit of Ice, Kopaka inhabits the wintry slopes of Mount Ihu. Kopaka’s personality reflects his icy exterior: gruff, calculating, and coldly methodical in his actions. Although the
Tohunga fear Kopaka’s great power, they also value his presence due to the protection he affords against Tahu’s fire.

On Mount Ihu, Kopaka skis up and down the slopes with ease, using his long blade to cut and melt his way through the ice and snow. With one skillful swipe of his blade, Kopaka can conjure up an avalanche. He can also use his powerful weapon to freeze anything it touches.

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Unsurprisingly, Kopaka was the most requested of the Toa Nuva so I had to save him for last. Despite having a very clear vision for him (pun unintended) he was also the last one built. iirc a month or more after the rest.

edits by everyone’s favorite Buttloaf builds.

Happy 20th anniversary, Bionicle!


That looks pretty cool.
I’ll leave now.

He looks like something from portal. nice.

Definitely my favorite so far. A good blend between satisfying symmetry, and a fresh take.

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Really nice job.

I think this is the most abstract of the bunch, and I love it for that reason.

Throw a Vahi in the mix and Kopaka will become Bionicle Dio, he’s already got the throwing knives and the ability to freeze things

Great torso design

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This is a pretty cool concept and MOC! However, I think the yellow and the red should be eliminated from his color scheme entirely and replaced by trans-blue and/or gray.

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Saw the group topic, looks really nice, love how unique they all are.

Once again, hitting it out of the park!