Koura, Toa of Psionics

Name: Koura
Gender: Female
Species: Ce-Matoran (Toa)
Element: Psionics
Home Island: Tren Krom Peninsula
Kanohi: Upgraded Great Mask of Charisma
Weapons: None
Affiliation: Order of Mata Nui
Backstory: Koura has always been a… “darker” Toa. She frequently used her Mask of Charisma to make others conform to her views, then used her mind control ability to make them do things that might have originally gone against their morals (Koura’s morals do not exactly match the Toa Code, though she still avoids anything that might kill Matoran). Her “tactics” caught the attention of the Order of Mata Nui, when they realized that she might prove valuable in their fight against the Brotherhood of Makuta. Upon her joining, the OOMN upgraded her armor and Kanohi (as she was a Toa of Psionics, she already had the OOMN’s standard mental shielding).

Her most recent mission was to travel alongside her fellow OOMN agent Haraka to investigate reports that the Makuta of Vaha Nui might be willing to join the fight against his former allies, the Brotherhood of Makuta…

I really wish I could’ve added more gold pieces to her torso, but I unfortunately didn’t have enough to do that. Anyway, I’ve had the idea for Koura’s backstory for quite a while now, and I finally got around to building her.

Nothing to see here; just a picture of her standing on a Kanohi Avsa…

Finally, here’s a size-comparison with two OOMN members (right now, Haraka is in a state of disrepair, but he won’t be too hard to fix).

Trivia: Her name means “Gold” in Maori.

Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for viewing!


I appreciate how Toa-sized she is, if that’s a thing :stuck_out_tongue: Also I like the color-blocking, and the use of the upside-down face on her lower torso looks great.


I like the combination of dark blue and flat gold, it’s quite an interesting color combination.