It’s a tabletop star wars war game, and both of those pictures are heavily used by its cards and cards from other star wars wargames by the same manufacturer, look it up sometime.
nice to see a self mic that’s not a toa
Always believe in me
That’s a neat torso design!
Eat it, me
Splitting four arms
It’s not perfect, and at times I think it’s even illegal, but I had to do it. At certain angles, the forward arm will be pushed, which definitely isn’t legal, but 90 and 180 degree angles are perfectly legal as far as I can see. When the arms are split, I think it’s 100% legal.
And since I couldn’t resist, each arm with a sword. (I might make some official swords for Krelikan later.)
I made some other small adjustments to the torso, but nothing big. It was mainly just accommodate the new arms. They aren’t as flexible as the old ones, but I think I can live with that.
Ooh looks really cool! Nicely constructed.
Now your not even hiding the fact youre building bionicle grevious…
But hey, thats fine
Pretty cool, though I honestly preferred the original two arms minus the splitting function
Visually, I agree with you. I knew I would be sacrificing that with these new arms. I still have the old ones fully built, so I can go back if I really want to, but realistically I won’t. I’d much more likely continue to work on the current set of arms to improve how they look.
to help you out in that project, I do have a few comments on the new arms:
the combined arms feel a little skinny (not bad at all, they just appear a bit thin), which might give you space to beef up the split arms which kinda look like absolute twigs. something I do really like from the arms is the shoulder block and the leg/spike peices you used on the sides, they look very nice when the arms are folded together for some reason
I havent really been a huge fan of the hands looking like grabber claws when the arms are together (or in the older version, though if I had to pick one Id lean there with the bohrok eyes mostly parallel to the hand), and the fingers seem a bit aquard when the arms are split (though it is a pretty tight space youve got to work with in order to get it to split, so ignore me if its just not easily possible to reposition things). going back to the arms, the hands feel a bit disproportionately big compared to them when its all together, though thats probably easier to fix with changes to the arms than the hands
on posing, I think the moc looks better with the shoulders flared up when the arms are split, rather than they move with the rest of the arms like… well shoulders I guess
definitely agree, I think he could really use some weapons specifically for him
still a very nice moc regardless of anything Ive said, but he still looks like grevious
A big part of this is trying to reduce weight. The biggest issue for splitting arms seems to always be a lack of friction. I’m pretty close to having the split arms be subject to gravity, which makes pose ability reduced. I might be able to slap some system pieces on the upper arm, but that would be about as far as I could go unless I get pieces with very high friction. (The current pieces are already brand new)
I have to assume it’s possible to tighten things somewhat, but I either don’t know how I’d do it, or do not have the proper pieces to do so. I don’t buy system pieces pretty much at all, so my selection is fairly limited.
Interesting. I actually think the hands look worse when connected. One of the things I miss from the old arms is the extra shape they had on the hands, and overall more compact design. I feel like it might be unavoidable that the hands be too large. They’re very restricted since you need two joints per arm.
Noted. I really do appreciate all your feedback on this
yep, thats what I was trying to say in some sort of roundabout fashion
a trick Ive come to love is using 3L axles with the stud stopper on one end, inserting the stud into a pinhole and getting a ton of friction. the only issues are fitting the rest of the 3L axle in a build and adding to the other side of the joint to prevent it from being too fragile. Alternatively, black pinaxles are wonderful wonderful things, but I ran out of those long ago and dont really order parts ever.
Alright, after a bit more fiddling around, I’ve got a new iteration of arms. They’re unfortunately heavier, but are more armored, and allow for more legal poses.
I also made a sword, although I’m not overly fond of the design
Obviously I had to make four of them as well
Any and all feedback would be great.
I’ve got another update. I’ve had this sitting for a couple weeks now, and I finally took some lazy pictures to showcase it. I gave the MOC custom feet, and have solved the wrist issue. I also made a minor adjustment to lower arm for stability.
And if you’re curious about how I got wrist articulation to work, here’s the mechanism for it
Simple as that
Looks pretty cool! The colors and design are very nicely done.
There’s been a few updates since I last posted anything, and unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of a shoulder change that has now been replaced.
However, I do have pictures of some updates to the legs, as well as the fourth shoulder design. I also changed the torso, making it slightly longer. As you’ll see, the back isn’t quite done yet. I managed to fix most of the friction issues I was having before, although it’s a bit of a taboo process. I put tape of my pins to add friction…
Aw yeah he looks awesome! The orange, metru blue, and black color scheme works quite well and overall it’s a very nicely built moc. Excellent job!
I feel obligated to go on a rant about this thing by now…
maybe tomorrow, Ive had a day
Since he’s influenced by gmGeneral Grievous and has a Vahki head, do see him as having a similar leadership position to them as Grievous has to battle driods?
In the sense that he’s the top commander of vahki, yes. However, him being a vahki heavily influences how he treats them. Destructive behavior against his own forces doesn’t happen.