Lady K Likes to Draw. A Lot

That be Darkness; a dark hunter

Thanks for the indepth reply. My Makuta is still sorta not finalized, so he could change in future art.

I know one of my downfalls is not doing enough armour–I’m very organic artist, if that makes sense, so I need to work more on technical things.

I’ll be updating in the next few days.


My issue as an artist is an inability to deviate from relatively blueprint-style drawings, with architectural perspective and very little organic art, so I applaud anyone who can draw bio-mechanical beings as humans and still honor their original design.

But, he doesn’t have four arms :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys, it’s been awhile. Here’s some new works:


Boy, I wish I could draw this well :stuck_out_tongue:

looks like you still got wonderful artwork ma’am

It’s all practice, so there’s no wish–if you really want to get to a certain level, just draw draw draw.

Thank you very much!


Fantastic is an understatement. Beautiful work as always, madam.

Never knew Tarix had such a dashing mustache.

Normally I despise humanized bonkle characters but this here is executed brilliantly. Really love those two.

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I really love the first one in particular

I’m usually not a fan of humanized Bionicle characters, but I must say that your artwork is incredible! I think you have almost managed to convert me actually.

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Tarix’s mustache…

I want to grow one like it.

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It’s been awhile. What up all.

I’ve been working hard on my Bionicle Catalyst project. Once a bit more content is available, I should be able to get TTV to help me out with a interview. I’m not sure what I’m allowed to link here or not, so for now I’ll just share images:


Great to see your drawings again! The first drawing looks especially good.

The comic looks good as well, with the human versions of the Hagah looking on point. However, I do think there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between the second and third panel, as Norik’s dialogue seems a little disjointed. I think it would be better if he said something along the lines of “On second thought, I’ll just let my shield do the talking”.

Ohhh these are indeed well done.

As a fellow artist I tip you my ha- Stuck to my head Ill find a hat and tip it to you.

I admire your style it is indeed a great one.

My own lacks a certian… well charm.

Give Makuta a fu manchu mustache.


Thank you for the advice! I actually was strictly following the original comic (Final Battle) scripts. I thought that whole situation felt disjointed too, but I decided to stick with it regardless so I could focus on other facets. I will be wary on that though for next time. :slight_smile:

Just keep practicing! I thought I’d never reach a level for ‘charm’ in my style, but I’m getting there! You can too. <3



You’re the only artist who has a human BIONICLE style I actually like. Typically, it just seems weird and unnatural, but you manage to really make it feel fitting. Your style is wonderful and distinct, and I always look forward to more from you!


Ill say I myself is pretty well trained in the art of digital drawing.

with a mouse no less XP

May I ask what you use for your drawings?
Drawing by hand then scanning them in on the computer?

Wow! That means a lot. Thank you so much. I definitely can understand how some people are more picky on HB, or not really into it. Don’t force yourself to like my art/HB, but I do appreciate it! I’m curious (if you have the time) what makes it normally unnatural? How do I avoid that?

Do you have a website or anything devoted to your art? I’m curious now about your works! Send me a message sometime maybe and we can chat!

As for my materials:
I use traditional to digital and try to stay open-minded to things. HOWEVER, digital is far easier for me and a big time saver. I do 90% of my work purely from the computer–no scanning and that, unless it happens that way randomly or I purposely want a certain style.

I’m not a big believer that tools make the artist better, but at this point, being a professional artist, I love efficiency and time savers.

I use a Wacom Cintiq 22HD and PhotoshopCC/17’. I also keep Paint Tool Sai and Clip Studio handy. And of course, any pencil or paper to quickly jot down ideas or designs.