Spontaneously decided to build another Lariska variant. With more teal, digitigrate legs - and in accurate Inika scale.
I even went for waist articulation this time around, trying my best to somewhat hide this connection I normally find too thin. Necessitated custom hips, but overall I think it worked out decently.
The exact size is somewhat variable depending on the bend of the legs, but as you can see this is definitely Toa-sized.
Poseability-wise, I think this also works. She can stand on one foot (which is actually not a given with digitigrate legs without friction joints!), on both arms, on one arm and can crouch reasonably.
And since of course somebody is bound to notice it - yes this MOC indeed sports no mechanical arm. Reason being I don’t have a design yet for this scale. So this here is Lariska during the Toa-Dark Hunter War, which was before she lost that arm.
Correction: it was pointed out to me she lost her arm somewhen between the recruitment of Vezok and Hakann and the war…
Details on the head build you can find here.
And I’ll have to look into a mechanical arm and a way to make the teal look better on the pictures… I wonder if the dark background is the problem…
As always, C&C appreciated and hope you enjoy!