LEGO Army-Building Sets

This is something that have been buzzing in my head for some time, and its about LEGO making sets, that are meant to be used in army building.

and the reason i have been thinking about this is because of the following:

for many LEGO themes, like Ninjago, Legend of Chima and Nexo Knight they don’t allow you to build much of an army, and this is especialy for Chima which never had any army building, instead re-using many of the characters that they had released over and over again.

now some of you will no doupt bring up some sets from Nexo Knight which is for army building:

however my problem with them is that they are just too small and you get one good guy and a bad buy in all sets, and also the good guys get melee weapons while the monsters get range weapons in all the sets.

and what about the other monsters we have seen?

the red Scurriers only appears in the Clay’s Rumble Blade, the Fortrex and Jestro’s Volcano Lair sets and you only get a small numbers of them, while the black one only appears in Jestro’s Volcano Lair. while in the show they are one of the main monster soldiers under Jestro’s command, while the human looking monsters like the Crust Smashers, the Ash Attackers and the Flame Throwers make more appearances in the sets but never in the show.

this is where the army building sets i talk about would come in handy, because there would not be a story behind them, they just exist so that you can build an army with them.

if some of you have seen the WarHammer figures, then that is what i mean basicly:

some sets that contain nameless soldier figures with different weapons and armor peices, and some sets that are war machines, like a transport vehicle, or catapults or cannons.

here are a few names that i came up with, and just let your imagination create how the sets would look like:

LEGO Battles: Nexo Knight
-Magma Transport Tank
-Knighton’s Hoverhorse Riders
-Scurrier Ballistas
-Globlin Siege Cannons

LEGO Battles: Legend of Chima
-Croc Submarine
-Assassin Spider Camp
-Eagle Platoon Carrier

Please give your opinion and even your own ideas for LEGO Battles sets.


They already do friendo:

Click the picture to see the set on S&H

Edited Title for Clarity


thats not really what i meant. And again they are just too small and have only minifigures.

Eh, not really. Let’s face it; LEGO army-building isn’t cheap, and to get four minifigs in heavy armor for fifteen bucks isn’t that bad of a deal. If you want vehicles, you have two options:

  1. Buy the polybags upon release

  2. Fork over quite a bit of money and buy the 10 dollar vehicles.


Look, you just don’t get what i am trying to say here.

I want something like this:

but not this:

Seriously, an army build of mostly this set would look goofy and be taken as a joke.

and no, buying one of these sets for army building:

Is a big no, because they not meant to be used for army building, lore wise there is only one Rumble Blade, and i would also end up with over a dosen Clays, Magmars, Flamas, ovs. because of this.

This is the reason i want an Army building LEGO sub-theme, because the sets made there would be made simply for army building purposes and there are no main character in them, no jestro, no clay, just nameless warriors who come in different army building sets.

I actually wanna buy that now…


Okay…then just buy several of the larger, more expensive vehicles.

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why can’t anyone get what im trying to say? am i really that hard to understant?

or do all here think i am just a complete idiot? or am i just unlikable for everyone here, which given that my parrents and brother allways tell me that im negative, would not be a suprice.

We don’t actually know if only one Rumble Blade, Mecha Horse, etc exists. For all we know, they could just be modified versions of generic war vehicles used by the kingdom.

We don’t actually know only one exists.


I only remember seeing Star Wars army building sets. Such as these

I’m guessing this is what you meant.


I was talking more in the lines of the Knighton polybags:

However, this is not how you get your minifigures. That would be from this pack:

All together, if you buy a good amount of these sets, you’re going to have a formidable army with a nice battalion of vehicles.

Besides, if you’re talking about cost, a giant set filled with a specific group of minifigures and a bunch of small vehicles would be as expensive as the previously mentioned way, as you’re not really changing the amount of minifigures and pieces.


What about just bricklinking minifigs and weapons? If bought in bulk I wouldn’t expect it to be too expensive.


But those are army building sets. These are bigger and have more minifies.

Don’t go that route it’s not worth it and only hurts you when it comes down to it.


A possibility for sure, especially considering the price of the most simple troop of the Knighton Army:


then close the topic then. If everyone just agree that my idea is just stupid and waste money, then just close the topic, because i sure as heck don’t care about this anymore, and this hole debate have made me depresive again because i once again feel like no one likes me here, and that i have been lying to myself again.:cry:

That’d get you 8-7 for the price of the set you mentioned earlier. But getting the armor and weapons would cost more…

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  1. I’m not a mod. I can’t really close your topic.

  2. I don’t think your idea is bad, but I don’t think it is that viable.

Eh, I don’t think weapons off of BrickLink are too expensive. The only thing a potential NK army-builder would have to worry about are vehicles, which can easily be found in polybags that are currently out in the market.


so, from what I see, you’re wanting the Nexo-knights equivalent of a Star Wars Battle pack.

also, don’t go all angsty on us. want me to call in the Mod Squad?


Why do so many forget the WarHammer images i used, or the names i listed:[quote=“DarkHenrik, post:1, topic:24632”]
LEGO Battles: Nexo Knight
-Magma Transport Tank
-Knighton’s Hoverhorse Riders
-Scurrier Ballistas
-Globlin Siege Cannons

LEGO Battles: Legend of Chima
-Croc Submarine
-Assassin Spider Camp
-Eagle Platoon Carrier

i never meant i wanted a nexo knight version of a battle pack, if anything i wanted it more like a mix.

No main characters just nameless army building figures, different sets that range from just army camps, to vehicles.

if we where to go by star wars, it would be like this:

no opposing faction member to cause conflict, no main story character, just a soldier and a vehicle. and the reason i used the warhammer images is because i wanted to show the way i wanted the sets to be like, for exampel the “Knighton’s Hoverhorse Riders” set would be like this:

but instead of three Lances, it would be three Knighton knights, basicly.

is that a threat?


No- It’s a warning.

also, what you’re describing gives the impression of the old battle packs.

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