LEGO Dinosaur Topic

LEGO Dinosaurs; @PekekoaOfJungle’s only love. Starting with the Adventurers Dinos of yesteryear and building itself up to the extraordinarily detailed Jurassic World Figures, these group of sets have went from Blocky Beasts to our Media’s take on Dinosaurs.

We’ve had Five… Four… Four and a Ha-… Four and Three-Qu- Okay, let me explain. Our first Dinosaur "Theme " was the Adventurer’s Sub-Theme, Dino Island, in 2000. After that, in the Studios Theme, there were two Jurassic Park sets, or should I say “Jurassic Park sets”, that featured Johnny Thunder and Pippin from the Adventurers Theme. After that, we had a short lived theme called Dinosaurs, which had, well, Dinosaurs.

Just as a Recap, We are at a Theme and two Sub-Themes. Here’s where it gets confusing.

After that, in 2005, we received Dino Attack in the U.S. and Dino 2010 with a limited release in other countries. Here’s the issue with the themes; D.A. and D.'10 are the EXACT SAME THING. The only difference was that the American sets had weapons, while its Metric Counterpart had nets and cages.

Now we are at Two, Two and a half, or Three Themes and Two Sub-Themes… Maybe? Now it gets easier.

In 2012, the Dino Theme came to existence, the line that I’m guessing most of us TFOLs are familiar with. They basically were Hyper Cool Dinos. After that, we had a bunch of Recolors of the Dino Dinos in Jurassic World, which came out this year.

That makes the Count Four, Four and a half, or Five Themes and Two Sub-Themes… Maybe?

What are your thoughts on these Themes? What are your favorite Dinosaur Molds?

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Velociraptor. And my favourite one is Delta.

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Wow. What a Surprise. :unamused:
## /s


Which Velociraptor do you like best?

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The 2012 Velociraptor; I think its colors work the best.

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You mean Gerald?



I have this. The set was pretty great.


I wish I got more of the Lego Dino sets. :stuck_out_tongue:


I wish there were more dino molds. Come on, I want a spinosaurus, ankylasaurus, and therizinosaur. I mean, I know it isn’t likely but it’d be great. And dinos with feathers plz!


i really want an apatosaurus/brontosaurus or brachiosaurus mould in the form of the 2012 molds that are now the go to dinosaur moulds. problem is if they did make that mould, then it would have to be twice the size as the trex which im not sure how they could fit something that big into a set without making the set super expensive

I remember getting some of these in 06. I think. I can’t remember.

You mean Ankylosaurus.

No such thing. EDIT: I’m wrong. :cry:

Pterosaurs are also not Dinosaurs.

Man, I am a tad bit of a Fanatic, aren’t I?


actually an early study in 2015 found brontosaurs to be its own separate genus from apatosaurus.

its probably a good idea to research your facts before trying to prove someone wrong on the message boards

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I feel silly now. Whatever, you should still capitalize all Dinosaur names, silly.

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no Pterodactyl is an actual genus but it is actually spelt Pterodactylus and it is a small Pterosaur. the group “Pterosaur’s” is commonly known as “Pterodactyl’s”

dont clutch at straws mate

I’m sorry, I knew that, but I mistyped. I meant that they were not Dinosaurs n’ such.

I’ll grasp as many straws as I want, laddie.

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the adventures t rex baby

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I misspelled Ankylosaurus, but not Therizinosaur?


I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t correct you on that one.

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