Lego Star Wars Constraction Figures Discussion

Yes. CCBS shells make things seem very round but gappy. B1s are just scrawny. Not the same aesthetics IMO.

this system was practically made for the b1

on a side note the day we get jar jar binks is the day I quit sterwas


Example of what a CCBS B1 would actually look like please? Sorry if I’m hard to convince.

Now do you really hate Jar-Jar? Or are you just jumping on the hate bandwagon?

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I would have to get genaraldo grevvous man to build a proper prottype color wise but yeah I can make a concept

and with jar jar, I think hes what killed the prequels for everyone

I moved 4 posts to an existing topic: Star Wars Topic

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Just bought Kenobi this afternoon and I can die happy. Him being my favorite SW character helps, as does his Clone Wars iteration being why I like him so much, but his size is the real reason. He is only a head shorter than Makuta Icarax, for crying out loud. He has good coverage all around, a paragon of proportions, his cape is flowing and well attached and his maneuverability is suprisingly high. I don’t know where to improve him.

Also Grevious was sold out at the lego store so I picked up Skull Slicer as an understudy.


SS is now babby grievous


My hopes are still up for a CCBS B2.

That sounds much more feasable then a B1. But how would they make the upper torso?

Pull a DV with a crazy Technic torso?

Or make it all one piece

If Lego does make a new B2, it absolutely NEEDS a spring-loaded shooter on it’s arm.


we can do it


or just make it a bunch of technic :stuck_out_tongue:

yee I agree

I’d like to see a generic ccbs clone with a variety of weapons and padding attachments, a real army builder

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Possibly a bunch of liftarms, a few balljoints, and then singular tan bones?
I suppose so.

Grievous with a cape;

Small other improvements also, not mine ><


The reason why he didnt come with a cape is because this version is his clone wars version, in ep 3 he was white and had a cape

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He had a cape there also;

Plus prior toys released with the cape


I stand corrected, though for some reason most of the time he just spun around without a cape

Tis fine - just think a cape suites the set anyway as it hides the gaps in his torso a bit more

There was a very good reason: capes just aren’t very practical for combat.

I’m still waiting for someone to make a legit proof-of-concept…

Yes please!

hmmm… Phase 1 or 2?


I’d like to see both, but if I had to pick, probably phase 2


Phase 2>Phase 1
The Phase 1’s just ugly.