Star Wars Topic

Again, here’s some Lego Star Wars stuff.


Can one character ruin three movies?

Is there really nothing good in the movies?

Not everyone out there’s a hater. Just sayin’ :stuck_out_tongue:


I personally prefer the prequels over the original trilogy, ep 1 started off very promising with darth maul and back story but got real mowed over by anakin the kid and jar jar, after a not so promising start I feel like the second movie helped by shoving in a new bipolar anakin and his love story. I do think the parts with the clones realy redeem it though, and as such I feel like ep 3 was perfect other then when anakin practically killed the mother of his children

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Just because I enjoy throwing gasoline on fires :stuck_out_tongue:

No, but Jar Jar still is a pain to watch.


[quote=“Forest_westly, post:181, topic:6922”]
ep 1 started off very promising with darth maul
[/quote]He was at the end…

Showing us the kid version puts a different spin on his “fall” arc.

Jar-Jar’s no worse then Ewoks (and I find both neat)

He’s got severe problems. You really think a squeaky clean kid would turn into the galaxy’s most feared killer?

Which was doomed from the start. And contributed greatly to Anakin’s fall.

The battle of Geonosis is indeed sick.

Again, how else could the guy turn to the dark side?

I don’t think so. I find him stupidly amusing. And so do the characters in the movie…


I find Jar Jar funny for being not funny, if that makes sense.
When I was a kid, prequels>originals. Now, I have seen the wrongs of my previous ways. The Empire Strikes Back is the best movie ever made, IMHO.


I hate Jar Jar, and dislike the ewok’s, wish they were wookies and instead of Endor it was Kashyyyk, when I was younger, I liked the prequels, now I like the originals more, and the prequels I… still kinda like them, I think that’s mainly because of the two clone wars series’ though, which also makes episode 3 really hard to watch and extremely depressing to watch the clones gun down the jedi they’ve fought with for years


I kind of felt like giving my thoughts on each of the Original Trilogy films, so let’s get started with my unsupported analysiseses.

I loved A New Hope; it was a great start to a fantastic trilogy. It showed us a universe never seen before; filled with new species that we would never encounter here on Earth, Vessels that could only be placed in our dreams. Our characters are also rather interesting. We have Han Solo, A Thug turned Hero, R2 and Threepio, two droids filled with personality and bicker like a married couple. The character that I found the most interesting when I first viewed ANH was Darth Vader. I never really heard of him until my first viewing, so seeing this Tall, intimidating guy in a black suit was probably one of the coolest things I had seen from that point in my life. It also had some fantastic scenes; such as the Epic Battle of Yavin or Escaping the Death Star. The ending was also great, with the redemption of Han Solo.

Then we had The Empire Strikes Back, which I believe is the Greatest Film ever. We expand on our beloved universe, learning about even more planets and life. We are also given quite a few new characters. To start off with, we get the middleman, Lando Calrissian, owner of the dazzling Cloud City. His major crisis in the movie is to save his friend, Han, or allow his City in the Skies to remain free from the Empire’s grasp. Then we have Yoda, an old Jedi Master that teaches us that size doesn’t matter. Then we have its scenes. Oh my gosh, the scenes. The amazing Battle of Hoth, Han Solo’s carbonated state, Yoda and the X-Wing, The Luke/Vader fight. It was all stunning. I know I’m hitting spoiler territory with this, but let’s face it; if you are on this topic, you’re aware of this. The ending of the film was a shocking, yet powerful conclusion. The way how Vader delivers, “No, I am your father” works so well, with Mark Hamill’s reaction adding extra depth.

Finally we have Return of the Jedi. Not only do we have a few of our questions answered, like who is Jabba and why does Vader breath like that, but we also meet even more aliens and planets, even the Ewoks. Now I understand that people believe they are just pieces merchandise, but they are pretty interesting in the case of the films, having enough power to knock out an AT-ST. We get more insight on the Emperor, who is even more intimidating then Vader. We also got a handful of new characters, like Wicket the Ewok and the aforementioned Jabba the Hutt. Some standout scenes in my opinion include the Battle of Endor (Both on the ground and in space), The Vader/Luke/Emperor battle, and the Sail Barge scene. The ending was pretty great, with Vader receiving the ultimate redemption.

If you haven’t seen these films… GO BUY THEM AND MARATHON!


Personally If I were to rank Star Wars.
CW Movie-Just painful to watch. Awful lighting, plot, lighting, characters, pacing, lighting, animation, and did I mention lighting.
Phantom Menace-Tries to tie two stories together and fails. Naboo crisis is boring and Kid Anakin is bad. Binks is just meh to me.
Rebels-It is just dull. Not bad, but dull.
Attack of the clones-Mixed bag. Beginning takes too long, Kenobi’s parts are great, Anakin’s are cringe and Geonosis is sick.
Return of the Jedi-Vader’s redemption is so good it elevates the rest. And Boba Fett being reduced to a comedy routine.
Empire Strikes Back-It’s good. I hate Hoth and Boba, but Yoda training and Cloud City make up for it.
Clone Wars Show-I love everything about this show. Except for the episodes I skip.
Revenge of the Sith-Darkest film, great intro, Follows a good four act structure and pits two true friend as mortal enemies. I love every scene.
Star Wars-Love every scene here too. The cantina and Obi-Wan’s sacrifice are my favorites. It also the only film that features Tarkin, my second favorite character in the franchise.

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I could see most of that, but I think the use of Hoth and Boba Fett was okay.

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Yes - one bad character or actor can ruin a series of films

There are good things, but they are overwhelmed with a sea of bad. That one character is what pushes things over the limits of acceptability because it becomes a symbol of everything wrong with the films.


Only if you let it. And I don’t understand why. Why must people deprive themselves of something potentially enjoyable just because there are parts you don’t like? Especially when you don’t even have to watch those parts at all with modern technology.

Jar-Jar became a symbol because nostalgia-crazed fanboys made him a symbol. They needed a scapegoat to vent their fury. TPM wasn’t everything they wanted, so they decided to concentrate all their hate in one place.


That seems a little convoluted, obviously you don’t want a character to ruin your viewpoint on the franchise, but if that character is focused on heavily or important to the plot then the existence of it can ruin everything. Mass Effect (God Child) is an example, only showing up for a short time yet tarnishing the entire experience because of how important the character is.

Nobody was on about depriving themselves from seeing the film because of how terrible one character makes it, was just saying the quality of the film can be dropped due to a character. If you are skipping parts with that character, then it has ruined the film for you because you need to avoid the scenes - so that’s not a good suggestion on how to fix things :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t mention Jar Jar, yet he was the first thing that sprung to your mind about the prequel series :stuck_out_tongue: Though i suppose he is one of the several characters associated with how bad the prequels are. The main characters that become associated with the bad are;

  1. Jar Jar binks (Comedic relief - annoying voice)
  2. Anakin (Annoying voice - bad lines/acting)
  3. Yoda (CGI)
  4. The Emperor (Over-the-top acting)
  5. Obi-Wan (His actions in the films)
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The only one I disagree with you on is Obi-Wan. I feel like Ewan McGregor was the best part of the prequels. If anyone would like to hear a discussion on the Star Wars prequels, the weekly planet podcast’s latest episode is devoted entirely to them (beware some nsfw language though).


Yeah, it was. My point is: some of these movies are 16 years old. Don’t you think it’s time we all stop beating the same critiques into the ground over and over and over and over again? Critiquing is fine, but if you do it too much it can create a black hole of negativity that’ll never satisfy anyone. That’s why you always should focus equally on the positives.

Yes, there’s characters who’s existence tarnishes the story (I’m looking at you Starkiller from The Force Unleashed). But Jar-Jar isn’t one of them.

It’s a decent way to fix your own enjoyment.

I could’a sworn you were referring to him. Guess I misread.

The first thing that springs to mind when I hear “Prequels” is “Haters”. Funny how that worked out…

I’ve honestly almost never heard most of these arguments. And I don’t think they hold much water.

3PO was also comic relief who’s voice could annoy some.

Luke was a whiny brat as well. And Luke’s voice could be annoying too…

Hayden certainly didn’t have the best material to work with. But have you really taken a good look at his Sith face? It’s scary as heck.

Show a me a puppet of Yoda that would look half-way decent in the 2000s. And for the record, I think most people use this argument in reference to the TPM Yoda, not the ATOC/ROTS one (aka, the one used in the majority of the prequels).

Since when?

A character’s bad choices have zero effect on the cinematic quality or viewer’s opinions of the films.


The critiques are still valid, not sure why referencing them should be a problem - especially in the discussion about whether they are good or bad. Problems don’t magically disappear due to a movie getting older.

As an example;
Last Airbender is still a bad film and will remain as such - the actual critiques against it will remain valid also. In a conversation would you want to discuss the positive aspects about the movie and/or defend the movie against those critiquing it?

No it isn’t, its removing entire scenes which interrupt the narrative and is making your own movie. If you need to alter a movie to enjoy it, then its no longer the intended movie. If you need to ignore aspects of a film that is essentially admitting the film is bad enough to where its intended representation is not as enjoyable. If someone follows your advice to remove characters, then that’s admitting those characters weaken the enjoyment of the movie for them.

The thing is, that is the wrong mind-set to have. Via your comments, anyone who critiques the film is a ‘hater’ - unless they accept that the film has flaws and watch the film anyway otherwise you view them as ‘depriving themselves of potential enjoyment’ however you then suggest removing scenes with the character in order to watch it anyone which is the opposite as they would be altering the intended movie.

Point being, people can dislike aspects of movies and shouldn’t be branded a hater because of it, that term has negative connotations as it is. If you’re going into a conversation automatically thinking they are a hater then you ignore any valid critiques they may have.


Personally I’m ambivalent to Star Wars in general. I only commented on questions you asked in a general sense it wasn’t referring to Star Wars. You then brought up Jar Jar so i proceeded to explain that there were multiple others that people connected the prequels with. Personally i am not interested in debating a viewpoint on specific characters that isn’t shared by myself, i brought that list up to show examples because that is varying people’s opinions about what characters are viewed as the worst.


Lets all take a moment to discuss why the republic were the real bad guys considering they denied basic human rights to their slave soldiers, soldiers who were basically born to die.

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I took that more as the general underlying subtle idea of both sides being wrong sometimes - making it more understandable why sometimes people would side with the Dark side, others with the Light. Both sides have their own benefits and drawbacks - at least that’s what i remember from watching it ages ago.


yeah but at least the separatists made robots that could be fixed and couldnt feel pain, mean while the jedi are sending 50 clone troopers on a suicide mission agaisnt general grievous that will more then likley leave only the commander and maybe 2 other clones alive, while grievous just scuttles off with one less toe