No on Snoke, No on C-3PO…but I can definitely see Leia being a figure, for the soul reason as you stated.
Whoa, that Speeder Bike set looks even better now…
Additionally, the printing on the Scout Trooper’s midsection looks pretty schway.
It, the Stormtrooper Commander, and all the other Summer 2017 Star Wars sets are available for pre-order here.
EDIT: The prices are ridiculously inflated, so I’ll be waiting. But at least we have pics.
I see at least 4 stickers for the vehicle.
Well, it looks like the upper leg bones are going to be dark grey.
Which is a shame, I was hoping they’d be black.
I do’nt know about you guys but I really like the blasterpisstol design. It is so simple but it works perfectly. Love it.
The speeder is well done as well.
The one which is supossed to have the black bones is the commander, not the speeder
Seems rather dumb to have one of two characters have the same bone pieces in black, despite both having black underneath the white armor which would make the black bone pieces more sensible for both.
Thats what I said with the pictures that we got, everyone was saying “heyy black bones yay” and I was thinking “but the other one doesnt have them, and it looks like paint, weird”
We’ll see when they come out
I saw promo images from yesterday for the Stormtrooper Commander, before they were taken down. It has 7M B bones in black, can confirm.
Is it just me that sees one of the upper arm armor pieces is a 4 length in white, while the other is a 5 length in white?
EDIT: No, wait; it DOES have two length 4 and two length 5 armor pieces, just in different positions on the arms.
oh god Please put that pauldron back, idk why but the lack of print on the chest is off-putting .
@ComradeWolfie It’s likely a building error:
You can see the arms armor mirrored (well not the lower arms).
Doesn’t need printing on the pecs though. OG Stormtroopers have that part blank.
The problem here is that Stormtrooper armors had loads of variations due to the various budgets and quality of material and casting in all three original movies and beyond.
Just the helmets alone had numerous variations due to them not all of them being made the same way during hte making of all the movies.
This applies to lower armors as well.
If anyone’s interested.
I don’t really think LEGO cares about that. Unless it’s a drastic change like Phase I to Phase II clones then they’ll stick to the same prints and molds like they have since the start of LEGO Star Wars.
Nah, I was just stating that the general appearance of prints and molds for the older armors translated to LEGO will never be precicely accurate since there were loads of different variations even within the same armor type during the creation of the original trilogy.[quote=“Forest_westly, post:1073, topic:6922”]
Its armor or armour if you from certain parts of Europe
We already know this bit of info, you dont need to remind me.I typed in armor cause it makes more sense with the letters than armour (which just looks to me like arm-our.)
While I like the stormtrooper, I dont like that he is just a recolored death trooper. I do like the fact that his weapon can be switched around.
Its armor or armour if you from certain parts of Europe
its like deer, you dont put an s on the end
True, but that thigh armor in white may merit a purchase for some.
Well, this guy just reviewed most, if not all of the Summer Star Wars sets, including 75532 and 75531.
OOOOuuu, already set reviews.
Yep the leg bones are in black for the trooper, nice…would be even nicer if the scout trooper had those in black as well.
Also the Stormtrooper Commander has weapon storage option on his back.
What are you doing at the back?