Lego Star Wars Constraction Figures Discussion

Great. Now I’ll have to decide if I want to buy the whole set just to get those bone pieces, since they’re the only thing I really would want from the set.


Well that and having a legitimate Stormtrooper figure, those 1 length long tehnic bushings in white, and that new armor shell in white. I for one already have a Deathrooper which is a far more visually appealing design and color choice for me so I dont need this set (granted the Death Trooper and Clone Troopers are the only ones which armor and helmets I really liked).

Also its weird that you dont get 3 length long technic liftarms to fill in the feet, when the death trooper not only had that, but also had a 4 larger length 5 armor shell on his arms where as the Stormtrooper has only s of them and 2 of the smaller length 4 armor shells…and the Death trooper had a much nicer and useable sholder paldron plastic as oppose to the orange thing hte Trooper has…and had larger and more pieces covering his legs while the stormtrooper has the one slope piece.

I would not make as much of an issue about this if it werent the fact that just a wave before we got a similar figure (same price) which was a much better choice to spend money on.
Nostalgia aside, the Death Trooper is a much better price to parts to quality ratio set when solely compared the the Stormtrooper Commander.

They think we wont notice the higher price to lower amount of pieces / smaller pieces they are slowly been doing to the Star Wars sets. At some point when are people gonna say enough is enough and will answer back by not spending money on less things that cost more…inflation would not be an issue if the standard of living and income also went up, but it isnt…at some point bootlegs will become a legitamate alternative to LEGO cause of how expensive its getting (bootlegs just need to figure out what type of plastic and molding process LEGO is using and they are set).

I guess you all would like to know this video exists


Jang never reviewed the second wave of Rogue One Ultra Builds.

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Yes, and I don’t understand why!

It’s probably either because A. he doesn’t like Bionicle and (subsequently CCBS) or B. he just doesn’t have the time/resources to do so.

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Most likely A cause B seems sketchy at best, cause the dude spends so much money on LEGO sets and parts, and Mega Constructs.

Jang has money for LEGO, thats no issue.

Or a combination of both factors most likely

It’s probably because a:

  1. Viewers don’t seem to be as interested in CCBS sets as they are in the major System themes Jang reviews (Star Wars, Ninjago, Friends, City, etc.)

  2. Jang seems to be lukewarm towards CCBS in general nowadays (though he did say he would continue covering SW Ultrabuilds)


OK, but the second isn’t a explication. Plus, the ultrabuilds are sets too!

Sorry, I should have explained myself better. I was hypothesizing that Jang didn’t review them simply because he’s not as personally interested in SW CCBS.

Yes, but they just don’t seem to be as viewer-requested as other System sets.

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Picked up 75532 and 75531 from my local Target today. Here’s 75532:

Total price for both was under 69 USD, including tax!


is that supossed to be a great price?

yes- speeder bike’s typically 55$, whilst the other ultrabuild in the wave normally goes for 30$.

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Haha yup. The Scout Trooper + Speeder Bike was $47 total, and the Stormtrooper Commander was $22.


guess that’s a nice purchase then

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At the start of his channel, Jang reviewed only HF sets and made HF stuffs. After this he begun to review other lego themes. This mean he like CCBS. He also is a SW fan. This mean he may be interested in SW CCBS.

“liked” Jang gave the impression that he isnt all that impressed by what lego does with the ccbs system, which is why he was really disappointment in G2

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*He started out with BIONICLE, actually

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I can remember that his first video was a HF review.