A little while ago, I made this post: http://board.ttvpodcast.com/t/lets-write-a-story-together/14004/88
It had a good reception, and I felt bad for the people that wanted to participate but came too late, so here’s part 2! Rules are the same as last time, except this time we have a real (kinda) plot to go off of!
Last time:
Greg Farshtey and the Hype Pirates were defeated with the help of the Hype train members, including Eljay, Kahi, and Bingzak.
The epic war between Tarblix and Wal-Mart continues (of which Bingzak is a key member of).
Pekekoa attempted to destroy canon but was foiled.
The Hype Train still has no brakes.
Ben drowned.
Greg Farshtey has been arrested for the leaking of the 2016 sets. There is tons of proof against him. Suddenly, he calls you, a BIONICLE fan, to defend him in court. You…
Suddenly, the Plot-Twist Police come in and cuff the old man, throwing him into their Cinnamon Twist-Shaped Van. "Well, that was weird. " Swerg Meester (@SpookMeister) said. He then decides to go to the Ice Cream Parlor.
John Cena starts waving his hand in front of his face to make himself look invisible. Because Greg and Tarblix can’t “see” him, they’re pic-pocketed by JOHN CENA!!!