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But the Hype Train went 88 miles per hour and went back in time and is charging directly to Eljay while he blocks it

Here’s the Image

Bingzak tried to run away when the Kongs expanded. He then realized he’s holding a macguffin, and the Kongs were from Tarblix


Oh, wait, the thickness is just my peanut butter sandwich.

The Kongs, however, started monologuing, allowing Bingzak to use his secret weapon given to him by the weapon smith, Waj. This weapon did…

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let its wielder feel the power.

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Lol, no. The weapon actually summoned a meteor that squished the Kongs. Bingzak ran away.

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“I… can feel… the POWAAAAAAAAAAA”
meteors fall

When Bingzak came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left.

EDIT: Came after pizzacheetah’s post.


Bingzak decided that the time to be Bingzak was over, he was now Stanley.

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He finds himself on the Hype Train

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The Hype Train traveled to BJ’s, an ally of Tarblix. Rocka Nui shuddered in anticipation.

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But as they arrived they were invaded by Hype Pirates (Pirates who steal Hype Leaded by Greg)

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The Hype Pirates kidnapped Bingzak. Luckily, he quickly hid the macguffing in his sachel, out of sight.

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But as Greg searched the Satchel he takes the Macguffin and throws it into the place of null Hype

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Due to Rocka Nui’s magickul properties, it wasn’t destroyed.

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“Nothing is safe from de-canonization!” Greg laughed maniacally.

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The MacGuffin, angry that it’s G was not capitalized, teleports to the message boards, finds Whaddon and…

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murders him brutally

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But it is stuck in a place that if you enter you will be unhypable FOREVER

and became a walrus that is fat