You really should enter it. Once it’s more finished (Or now would be fine, but it’ll probably be better to show a more final model) I don’t doubt people will love it on that site.
@ToaVuhii Lol, thank you. Couldn’t’ve said it better myself
@BioRaiders532 At this point I’ve pretty well talked myself into entering, so now I’m mostly thinking what I need to do to make it presentable and how to present it. If I can I should see if I can have it up around when Jurassic World comes out. A pity the Chronicler’s Convergence terms sorta rule out dinosaurs.
Brickshelf! Why you no work! ;-;
I think I’ve just fallen for that thing…
@noob1234 Lol, thanks. It’d be really cool if he did review it
@JMP Thank you? I think… Haha, falling for just this guy is good, but be careful you don’t fall for more than one O_o
BTW, I had some time today to do some editing and after a bit of tweaking I should have some updated pics some time in the next couple days. Not sure when exactly I’ll have time tho, next few days will be busy for me IRL as they say.
@Artakha_the_Creator Lol, nice
Right then… Hello again everyone! I apologize for being so terrible at keeping my word and not uploading more pics sooner. I had to take down my pic taking set up because it takes up a lot of space and we had company and blah blah excuses you don’t care about and so on. SO. I snapped a couple pics really quick. Here they are url=[/url] url=[/url] url=[/url] url=[/url] url=[/url] url=[/url] Sorry also for the poor quality pics all around, I’ve been taking them with my phone so I could upload them faster. I’ll take pics with the nice camera when I think he’s good enough to call almost done.
Feel free to tell me everything wrong with him in the nicest way possible so I can improve upon him What I did was fill in his torso a bit, added armor to the legs and tail, altered the hands so that he could hold them in a more accurate to the actually dino way, and removed/replaced most of the blue pins. You may note that his middle left claw is silver and not white, this is due to a lack of parts on my part, so try and ignore that.
I still think this thing is freaking gorgeous. Now it looks even better, just gotta find a way to cover up that gap in the thighs, and, if possible (It doesn’t look possible though) the neck.
Keep up the good work!
How has Venom not reviewed this yet? This is amazing!
Lol, thanks. I am working on the thighs, tho the number of parts that I can use that fit the color scheme are getting scarce I’m also working on the neck, tho not much can be done as you said without some sort of major redesign. I intend to make this guy a somewhat long term project and hopefully have him good enough IMO to put him on Lego Ideas around the time Jurassic World comes out.
Thanks! Assuming this is good enough for him to review I imagine the (WIP) in the title makes him want to wait until I consider it “done” before reviewing it.
I bet I was a bigger dinosaur fanatic!
which was the larger extinction event?(While not inherently a dinosaur question, it is a pre-history question.):
The Permian Mass Extinction
The Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
(no cheating)
The Permian Mass Extinction.
You do realize that you’re quizing someone on the internet. He can just google it to make himself sound smarter
is annoyed that for no reason his draft was deleted
Right then. So I just got my first 2015 sets and like any self respecting 19 year old built them and started playing with them. Then the PoJ ran into my Compsognathus. The result is me taking a few pics and uploading them so you guys could have a good size comparison and for pure entertaiment value as I’m still chuckling looking at it. Here are said pics, enjoy! (pardon the glimpses of my messy room )
Hope you enjoyed! I will sometime in the next inserttimeperiodhere break down and try using pieces from Lewa and PoJ to improve on the Compy.
Looks like he’s fairing better than Kopaka did against my Toa Hunter. At least his limbs are still attached.
Lol, indeed. I doubt that’d prove true for much longer after these pics were taken tho
Also, bonus points to whoever can figure out where the Gold mask of Jungle is
The front of Lewa’s box?