Location size comparisons in Google Earth. Updated - the size of Voya Nui.

Yes, that second image is the one. I just have to take the time to actually do it, lol


Finally, time for that Voya Nui update!

Based on the proportions present in this image, Voya Nui is 9.75 km from its southern tip to the southern tip of the Voya Nui bay. Its western arm is approximately 27.75 km long, and its eastern is about 20.5 km. The distance between the tips of the arms is 7.5 km, and the bay is about 18 km long (measured from its southern tip to the midpoint between the tips of the arms). The island’s widest contiguous point, just south of the Voya Nui Bay, is about 11.5 km. The diameter of Mt. Valmai varies from 2 km to 2.5 km. Here are some comparisons:

Voya Nui, to scale, next to Mata Nui.

Voya Nui, to scale, next to Metru Nui.

All three islands.

Voya Nui compared to the Great Spirit Robot.

Voya Nui fits inside Naho Bay.

Voya Nui near New York City and Long Island.

Voya Nui in Lake Michigan, near Chicago.

Voya Nui’s mainland stretches from the shore of Lake Michigan to Chicago’s Garfield Park.

Does anyone have any requests for comparisons they’d like to see?


Wow, its unbelivably small. Too small IMO


Dang, didn’t think Voya Nui was that small. Would not have expected it to fit comfortably in Naho Bay like it does.

I’d be interested in seeing comparisons to the Hawaiian islands.


so now there’s just a tiny hole in Mata Nui’s chest?


Check these out. Somehow, it’s surprising how much larger Mata Nui is than Hawaii.


that’s so crazy

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Thanks for doing that, especially so quickly! I was expecting Voya Nui to be around the same size as them, so that’s surprising. And Mata Nui just dwarfs everything :laughing:


I’m not sure why everyone’s so surprised at how small Voya Nui is; it would have to be pretty small, or else wouldn’t Karda Nui already be completely filled?

Voya Nui tapers way down at the bottom; I’d be interested to see how wide the opening to Karda Nui is.


That one would take considerably more math, and would be much less accurate, but I can certainly take a crack at it tonight.

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I like to think that the planet that mata nui was on was just bigger than earth. So maybe twice the size or more. Probably still to small but it helps my mind cope with the size comparisons.


Hi again, sorry for being a pain! :laughing: Would you mind doing Mata Nui (and the other islands if you feel like it, though it’s not necessary) compared to Australia and New Zealand?


Mata Nui is MASSIVE


Voya Nui is TINY


I second this, living in New Zealand and not America the size comparisons are sadly lost on me.


No worries! Check these out:

Mata Nui and Voya Nui near Australia, in that bay up there. Voya Nui is too small to see at this scale.

Closeup on Voya Nui.

Mata Nui and Voya Nui between the islands of New Zealand. Voya Nui is a little too small to see still.

Closeup on Voya Nui fitting nicely into that little bay bit right there.

Voya Nui, as close as I can reasonably get it to Auckland.


still wish you had done a comparison with a certain lower North Island city
Thank you, the comparison with Golden Bay is for me a very good one as I have travelled the length of that spit (Cape Farewell) and can really visualize the length of Voya Nui which seems similar.

Also the comparison with the North Island is interesting, that white spot in the middle is the highest point and the only constantly snow bound area and that is even with a reasonable elevation, so to see the amount of snow compared to Mata Nui is quite interesting, I guess it never was going to be a realistic amount of snow. Also really makes me think that the Toa’s quest for masks could have easily taken a few years rather than less than a month!


Big thanks! It’s brilliant stuff!

And once again, my complete lack of size comprehension is coming through. I figured Australia would be bigger, but I thought Mata Nui and Australia would be more comparable than what they actually are. And New Zealand is way bigger than what I thought it was, although I’ll blame that on me looking at bad maps. :laughing:. Also, poor Voya Nui! It’s so tiny!

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Which city? I’d be happy to oblige.


Wellington, but Porirua or Palliser Bay will probably suit better.