Lugar de Morte - Superhero RP (Signups and Discussion)

Very well.

Name: Hector - case file ‘The Reformer’
Gender: Male
Powers: Hector can reshape something into a form it was previously in.
Power Explanation: Hector’s powers apply to the timeline of a specific thing, and can force the thing to reshape into a previous iteration of itself. The greater the difference between the two forms of the thing in question, the harder it is for him to reform it.
Appearance: Tall, massive, and chock full of muscle. Long, braided black hair which is often tied into a topknot. Tanned skin and drooping, often sad-looking features, with his mouth caught in a perpetual frown. In spite of his build, his posture is often terrible.
Personality/Bio: Hector was born in the U.S. and moved to Brazil in his early teens. Receiving his abilities early in his adult life, Hector used them on different objects around the house, most often to subtly assist in his manual labor jobs, but seeing as he was incurably lazy he detested the effort. One day he used his ability to heal the broken leg of a cow, which continued to remain healed after he released it, and after a few more experiments he figured out how to manipulate muscle tissue to revert it to a period where it had been under great strain, building copious amounts of muscle with virtually no effort. This had a detrimental side effect of reverting other parts of his body as well, and soon he noticed his face had begun to sag and droop from the constant muscular flexing.
Now depressed over his appearance, Hector attempted clumsily to take his own life, only to wake up in the hands of the Brazilian government, who were forced to hand him over to the U.S., being a dual citizen, and they in turn handed him over to Huber.

Melancholy and pessimistic, Hector doesn’t really care where he ends up or what he does. It really doesn’t matter to him any more.

Name: Roswell Ellison - case file ‘Tooth Fairy’
Gender: Male
Powers: Roswell can generate incredibly hard bone scales from his skin which can resist heavy impacts and gunfire.
Power Explanation: Roswell is able to produce keratin from the pores in his skin at an insane rate, resulting in tooth-like white growths all over his body, like scales on a reptile. They are incredibly dense, and protect him from all sorts of attacks, such as gunfire, bladed weapons, and good-old fisticuffs. As well, Roswell has incredible resilience, allowing him to take the force of being slammed by automatic gunfire, but only the teeth are bulletproof.
Appearance: Roswell is an old, wizened man, spindly and shriveled, with long, flowing white hair and beard, and a small bald spot on the top of his head. His hair extends past his shoulders, and does not receive the same bulletproofing his keratin growths do. He has a wide variety of attire, and can be seen wearing different outfits at different times.
Personality/Bio: Roswell wasn’t a child prodigy or an experimental super soldier, a kid involved with magical abilities or a dealer with the devil. No, Roswell is a retired auto mechanic with fifteen cars in his front yard, a good amount of money saved up, and who shot his health through involvement with the military, work strain, and a nicotine addiction. Never marrying and living to see most of his family die, Roswell exiled himself from the majority of society, living in the middle of nowhere, perfectly content to work his small farm and tool with his dwindling supply of automobiles.
Roswell had been clean shaved and buzz-cut every day of his life since he was in the military, but the incident - a bizarre blue light over his home followed by magnetic pulses which shook the whole property - gave him a copiously long beard and more than a full head of hair. Government agents at his door one minute, arguing across a metal table with Generals and Janitors alike the next, and before long he found himself on MansĂŁo Enganoso.

Roswell is crafty and loves to tinker, spins a fantastic yarn, and is generally easy to get along with - unless you injure his now precious beard.


I find this extremely upsetting. Please excuse me as I scream into the void in terrified confusion.


I haven’t forgotten about this :pensive:

I just need to come up with name

And other details

Character coming in the 24th century at the latest


When it doubt, pun it out. That’s my solution for names, but that might be due focusing on PokĂ©mon and Lego naming conventions too much.

@Ghid When are you reviving this rp?

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When enough people show interest in its returning, I suppose.

and maybe when atobe finishes his character


Pretty sure several of us were just waiting for a response back.


that is the truth.

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then I suppose I’ll just move everyone along to the courtyard if that’s alright


Good for me.

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 Mask Of Light??

yes the og bionicle fans are back at it again


Apologies for my tardiness, been busy working on my MOC League entry.


Can’t wait to see it.


I know it’s a double post, but it’s an RP topic and has nothing to do with my previous post, so I think it’s ok?

Decided to do another quick one of these, this time Wen. His face looks pretty bad, but I’ll just chalk that up to a car crash and radiation. His arms/coat are also a lil short, but it think it’s fine enough.


Which person are we waiting to respond next? Or just paused due to holidays?

holidays and swamped with other things. I’ll get the next post out today if I can.

also @cordax where are you


Does he have any luck finding these?

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whoops, didn’t see that part