Lynis (2016)

As I said, these other MOCers have a very different mindset when it comes to MOCs - and one that I don’t completely understand. Probably something about emphasizing the “my own” part of the phrase “My own creation” - they want to see people create something that hasn’t been seen before and/or something that’s done well, not see the same build that isn’t that good in the first place done over and over.

As stated earlier. There are more problems with this MOC than that. But this is the one I latched on to, primarily because it’s the one that most other people at or above my skill level would latch on to.

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Okay, I get it already! Rahkshi head was a bad idea, and I respect your feedback. I honestly like the look of it, even if it’s not on a Toa. Personally I never wanted to make a Toa when I made him. I started the first MOC of him when I was seven, and I revamped him. Not to be rude, but it’s my MOC. I don’t care if I get crapped on, it’s my idea and I will stick to it.

None of the previous argument was your fault

You never had to.

Also not to be rude, but if you intend to post MOCs with that mentality, you’re going to have a bad time. I speak from experience here.

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I know the arguments were not my fault, I just dont want arguing on something so small.

Welcome to the world of MOCing and criticism.

Any more criticism?


  • The legs are solid, would advise using some longer lengths of bone on the thighs and removing the friction adders on the feet (or using a different type of feet).
  • I like how you made an effort to fill in the torso by adding the CCBS bone. But it would probably be filled out better if you were able to attach a shell on to that bone.
  • Forearms ought to have a longer shell piece, attached on to the side instead of facing forward.
  • You also have at least five colors that appear in only one place on the MOC, such as the dark red wings, trans red Bohrok eye, and gunmetal tail. If you got rid of a few of those colors and made other ones more prominent on the rest of the MOC, it would look a lot more interesting to me.

Also going to reiterate, if you made this guy a non-Toa I wouldn’t really be bothered by the use of the Rahkshi head. Just the fact that you use it on a Toa, with some bad-fanfiction reason for why it’s there, doesn’t sit well with me.

When I was building the body, I was having trouble coming up with a custom body that would fit the CCBS body and still look good, so I came up with the bones on the side to add a slim look and at least a decent appearance, the reason for that red Bohrok eye was actually an accident, I was trying to make the wing/swords stand out and I had writers block on the subject. All in all, I appreciate your feedback and I agree with somethings. Thank you.

teleports behind you Nothing personnel kid