Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

The steps were actually decreasing in intensity, sign that the person was not approaching, but departing.

“So, uh Mr. rat, is he coming or going?”

“Wait, scratch that!” Forager exclaims.

“Whoever it is ain’t comin’ this way; they’re goin’ the other direction.”

"Oh, okay. " and he backs unblocks the tunnel. “Should we call him?”

“Ten shanix says it’s a vehicon trap,” Forager asserts. “No.”

“What if… He wants to follow him?” Manta Ray suggested.

“Ok!” replies Scaleraker. sounding cheerful.

“My point,” Forager replies, retracting his visor.

That’s a vehicon, I’m callin’ it now-”

He points down the tunnel.

“- an’ it wants us to follow it so it can trap us an’ take us to wherever the rest of the planet disappeared to.”

“Vehicon!” Exclaimed Scaleraker. Who plugged up the hole again.

“I am on the rat’s side!” Beetle said.
“No, I meant, whoever he is, he saved us from imminent death! He welcomed us in his house! I think that we should follow him, but stay vigilent.”

“I vote follow! Anyone else?”

I vote we go anywhere but that way!” Forager retorts.

“How 'bout it, fellas?” he asks the group, looking around expectantly.

“C’mon, show o’ hands.”

The rat retracts one of his pistols and raises his left arm into the air.

Beetle quickly rises one hand. Drill Bit looked at them with his arms folded.

Transwarp was keeping quiet, he was still pretty shaken about what all happened on the surface.

“hey you!” said Scaleraker, pointing at Transwarp. “What do you think?”

Transwarp didn’t know what to do. “I just want out of this nightmare alive and still me.” He said.

“Then make a decision. We’re all in this together. Strength in numbers, Right? or is it left?”

“We must get out of this place as fast as possible before it’s too late. There’s a 50/50 chance that the one who the rat heard might help us.” Manta said.

“Plus, between all of us, we should be able to take him.”

“We are more than capable to take one bot!” Drill Bit declared proudly, punching his palm.