Magna guard warriors: Waalu & Brennen (Legendary Edition)

Magna Guard Warriors: Waalu & Brennen

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Part of my Magna Guard line of figures, this fifth set features the relaxed down to earth Toa of the Green: Waalu

And the bitter war torn Toa of Fire: Brennen

Waalu was a build that went through a few redesigns. I originally made him a lot smaller and with a different shade of blue. But I ended up hating it after a while just because of how plain it was. So I gutted him, giving him a complete torso overhaul, even giving him a torso rip in half “feature”. Also gave him a more Bionicle-esk weapon: a chainsaw on a stick!

For Brennen I wanted to make a fire Toa with the colour yellow. That was it. I dabbled with yellow and orange, yellow and black, yellow and dark red… just yellow. They all looked bad. Eventually I tried one more time with yellow and red and he all came together, with a great bit of carful colour blocking. For his weapon I gave him an amputated flamethrower arm. It’s a standard axle connection on the end, so changing out the fire piece is really easy. And depending on the flame piece can lead to some dynamic looks!

And of course, Orde!

Thanks for taking a look at my MOCs!


Waalu’s got the same bizarre bicep going on that Motess has, and the same steroid-injected thighs Lido’s got. Much like Lido, he has pretty much nothing else going on, except for the tiny bit of Gresh armor poking out from behind him.

Brennen however is a bit more visually dynamic. With black forearms and the lower limb piece used as the upper arm, he ends up with a strange gloved-look that looks mediocre when standing still but very dynamic when posed. His cankles use the stars Tahu feet along with red Nuva shoulder pads for a great boot-like look that slopes very well, and is my favorite leg design out of the bunch. His weapon being a tube-fed flamethrower making excellent use of the stars Tahu sword is just icing on the cake.


The lower leg build on Brennen is fantastic. The shaping of moving the Glatorian ankle guard into the Nuva shoulder armor that ends with a point at the knee is nearly perfect. I may sound like a broken record here, but very well done.