"Makuta Building Contest" W.I.P.s and Finished Creations Topic

hello darkness my old freind…


Another copy paster it seems…

The original is from Frolic2

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Looks great. You could probably take off the stickers, though.

Seconded. or, @Toa_Straya, add some purple?

I think a little purple thrown in would be good too.

Ehh purple and red don’t look good together imho

It’s a meme.

oh,was afraid I used your moc as an example.

Thank you very much I’m happy you like them! And the head in the chest was the first thing I thought of before making him so it was mainly based around making it that look good and be stable first

Current WIP of my Makuta. It’s not the best, and I doubt I’ll even make it to the top 200. Hell, at least I tried.

Also, an apology to @Sammythekat for general cynicism; I’m guessing my prejudiced hate (don’t ask, because it’s really stupidly “confusing”) overcame my rational senses, and you really are a good MOCist. May your Makuta head to victory!


Now those are some legs. I love the way the feet look.

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[quote=“Mistah_Grammaticul, post:1533, topic:26632”]
Current WIP of my Makuta. It’s not the best, and I doubt I’ll even make it to the top 200. Hell, at least I tried.
[/quote] The colors and anatomy are all over the place. That said, I love the Michael Bay Transformer styled feet. (One of the few good things to come out of him being involved with those movies)


Woah! Now that’s one big MOC! It’s extremely impressive for it size. The coverage is done well, and the structure seems pretty built up. My only complaint is the out of place trans. purple.

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but can it stand? (thats massive noice job)


Alright guys! After days of hard work and tweaking, hours of photo taking, photoshop re-sizing, and all that! My Makuta is finished! Link-


I might post the complete MOC as a topic in Lego Creations later because I have loads more of beautiful photos a friend helped me take.


I don’t have much for taking good photos, just my web cam, and a poster board I’ll make into a back drop.
And I must say, looking at your entry, dang!

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Haha no. Of course it can’t. I’m trying to modify it, but it currently still sucks.

[quote=“Tarvaax, post:1535, topic:26632, full:true”]

Don’t see how anatomy can be all over the place. Do you mean disproportionate (in which case makes you correct)?
Colors, on the other hand… I’ll see what I can do about that. Maybe tone down the trans. fluorescent reddish orange and minimize warm gold? Or is it the mask chain w/ element wheel?

Anyways, thanks for the critique! Maybe I’ll manage to make it a “meh” quality MOC.

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looks like makuta now???


So I got Onua and Terak.
They lasted only a day before I took them apart to start another Makuta MOC.
:smile: -LOL

I’ve already finished it, but I think I’ll post it on here before I submit it. I just need to get some pictures.

Until then, Happy Building!


Just to let you guys know ive uploaded my first entry to the competition! :smiley: Good luck to all!