Guardian of Spherus Magna, a staunch adherent of the three virtues. Krika emphasizes the virtue of destiny, believing that all beings have a purpose even if it is small.
The Makuta of the Melding Universe are mirror opposites to their Main Universe counterparts. With Krika, in the main story I see him as apathetic to destiny of any kind. By going along with the Brotherhood of Makuta in their plan, he shunned his inner light, cutting him off from any sort of noble destiny in defying them. He does still disobeys the Makuta, but only to make the plan more difficult, having no interest in their far reaching goals of glory. He even tries to prevent the Toa Nuva from completing their destiny of awakening Mata Nui.
So I made alternate Krika firmly devoted to his purpose as protector and guardian of the inhabitants of Sphereus Magna, bestowing the wisdom of the Great Beings to them. He still wears the Kanohi Crast, as all the Makuta wear immoral masks to remind them to be vigilant of any darkness within them.
On this piece:
I designed Krika with a moth influence because I wanted to keep the insect design from the set, and since these alternate Makuta are light beings, having him be a moth fits. Also the mask design was influenced by KhingK on Thingiverse Kanohi Crast, Great Mask of Repulsion (Makuta Variant) by KhingK - Thingiverse
Let me know what you think, thanks.