So, here’s a MOC I consider to be one of my better works. This is Marzek, the main villain of my 2008 story (yes, the character’s existed that long). This version of him was built very recently. His last version was very outdated (and awfully similar to Makuta Tazzuk) and needed a revamp.
Story (Primary): Marzek is power hungry, treacherous, and ruthless. But his was not always the case. He was once a dedicated experimenter on Destral, pushing the boundaries of what it was possible to create from Shadow energy. Over the course of the brotherhood’s plan to overthrow Mata Nui though, Marzek became dissatisfied with Teridax’s rule, and sought to eradicate the toa rather than rule over them.
Marzek travelled to Karda Nui in 2008, having machinations of his own beyond that Teridax was planning. He kidnapped toa to create a shadow toa army, and sought to drain their combined shadow energy to create a giant Nova blast to wipe out the toa. His plan was thwarted by a team of Toa who’s friend he had kidnapped for the project. With Marzek left powerless, Teridax killed him for his treachery.
Story (Canon-compatible): Marzek was once an eminent Makuta scientist, working on Destral trying to convert creatures of the Matoran universe into beings of shadow. While Makuta Tridax believed this could be accomplished by draining a beings light, Marzek instead tried to create creatures of pure shadow.
However, in pursuit of his research, he took his experiments too far, and expanded his research to include experimenting on Toa and Matoran, attempting to create what he saw as the ultimate life forms.
Marzek was eventually tracked down by a team of Toa who’s allies he had kidnapped for the project. This team, contracted by the order, did the unthinkable for Toa, and Killed Marzek. Having told no one of his research, his project was lost to time, and Makuta Tridax would go on to perfect the shadow leeches as the brotherhood’s method of Shadow Toa creation.
Well we can see it now even if it’s just a front view. I really like him. I like that you added armour to the sides of the hips and torso instead of thinking in terms of just front and back. Not a fan of the single-piece forearms though.
Did you use lightsaber rods for the eyes?
Also I’d recommend checking out @Gilahu’s Brotherhood of Makuta Community MOC Project if you haven’t already. He needs more male makuta and I think Marzek would fit right in if you can give him a canon-respecting backstory.
Nice MOC. Especially the torso looks pretty awesome. The eyes are a little strange though. And somehow they tail doesn’t work that well on the first too pics …
But a great MOC overall!
As to being part of the Brotherhood project … I’ve seen what you wrote there but the backstory needs some work to get this MOC accepted, I fear.
Basically it’s just this paragraph that doesn’t work in terms of the project:
Marzek travelled to Karda Nui in 2008, having machinations of his own beyond that Teridax was planning. he tried to amass an army of shadow toa, and use a combined Nova blast to cause widespread destruction. When his plan was thwarted by a team of toa that had been trailing him, he was left powerless, and Teridax killed him for his treachery.
Because of one major thing: Marzek has to die before the events in Karda Nui, meaning before it was discovered.
I would also like it if he wasn’t killed by Teridax, but that’s just my opinion, nothing you have to write.
And please don’t mention a real life Bionicle set year in a backstory. I … I don’t know exactly why, but it really upsets me.
Oh, and of course you should add his backstory here. If you want to keep what you wrote earlier for his backstory - make it an alternate Universe backstory, but still add one for the canon Universe here.
My storyline generally follows the canon storyline, but never really obeyed all the rules. By all means, I’ll make a more rigidly fitting one for the project.
When you say before the karda nui arc, what do you mean? Did Teridax kill the brotherhood in the years leading up to it? I thought he killed them when he took Mata Nui’s body. I didn’t read any of the media back in 2008, so I only really know what was covered in the core set-line stories.
The Brotherhood got decimated over the years, but mostly not through Teridax directly. He just started wiping his surviving brethren out after he took over the Great Spirit Robot. And by that time the Brotherhood was down to … about a twentieth of its original size anyway.
Hmm, from what I’m reading here, there was a Makuta force still alive during the karda Nui arc, and nothing to suggest that Marzek should have to die before its discovery.
It talks about a fight between the brotherhood and the order running alongside the Nuva’s mission in Karda Nui. Surely Marzek could be alive at this time?
And out of curiosity, what’s your issue with Teridax being the one to kill him? it seems from this as if the majority of the Makuta that survived into the karda Nui arc were killed by him.
Anyway, once I have clarification on these things, I’ll get working on a canon-respecting story for him.
It of course is just a rough overview over Brotherhood history. You can trust me in that I did quite some in depth reading, too
Yes, there were some Makuta still alive during the Karda Nui stuff happening, but all of them are either known or already part of this project (the number 15 is mentioned somewhere):
Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, Mutran, Bitil, Krika, Gorast, Icarax, Miserix, Jsasax (canonly known as Makuta of Stelt), Spiriah, Tridax, Teridax, two Makuta who were kept by Teridax to create Kraata and later killed (in this project: Dredzek and Zhun)
About Teridax being the killer - Yes, he indirectly killed the Karda Nui Makuta and also those two he kept to create Kraata at first, but this was all because they where of no more use - or even proofed a danger to him.
Before that he usually didn’t kill anyone that could still proof useful in the future (he even spared Icarax when he rebelled)
In general I’m no fan of Makuta kill Makuta, because there is already so much of it. At least a fifth of the Makuta in this project died through other Makuta by now and even in canon it are 17 out of 21 if I counted right. I simply want some variation in how and why they died.
Yes, it is difficult to make something like a demigod believably die neither through another demigod nor through a Dark Hunter assassin, but see it as a challenge
And if you simply can’t come up with something, just ask and I’ll try to help out as best I can!