When I first read about the former leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta, Miserix was introduced as a huge green dragon, rescuing the Toa Hagah from certain doom. Ever since then, I’ve had a hard time picturing him as red.
This massive build measures about 3.5 feet from tail tip to snout, and is fairly heavy. I used almost exclusively G1 pieces, with the obvious exception of the dozen or so friction joint add-ons, which I’m a little disappointed to say that this build relies upon.
With that being said, I’m quite pleased with him. I wanted a build that was menacing, and a bit busy to fit his disgraced, beaten-down nature, yet also called forth a bit of a regal quality, too. Miserix also has to look powerful, which I must say, he does in person. I did take some inspiration from the canon model, such as with his hands, tail, and horns, but he’s mostly original in design. I wanted to add a spiky motif, too, as I’m imagining it as the bits of Klakk that make up a big chunk of his mass. I tried to keep the color scheme consistent, though you’ll notice a few blue pins and red axles. I ran out of black!
I opted to leave out a giant staff for him, preferring him in his four-legged beast form, though he can stand as a biped, towering over poor Antroz, as you can see.
It’s not the cleanest design, but I do think it has a very strong G1 feel, which is something I’m always trying to emulate in my builds.
I hope you like him, and please let me know what you think!