Makuta the Mask Breaker

Flickr link

I hope you’re not sick of seeing Makuta’s ugly mug yet because here’s another :v

The goal here was just to build a bigger and meaner version of Makuta’s original mask maker form. The scratch built Mask of Creation was where the project started and what decided the direction I went in in the end. Overall I’m pretty pleased with how the final product came out, even if the themes present are a bit generic and overplayed at this point. Oh yeah, here’s a link to the entry on Rebrick, you can find more angles and closeups there. Alternatively, check out this Brickshelf gallery when it goes public.

Anyway, thanks a lot for taking a look and good luck in the contest everybody!


What the…
That’s so ridiculously amazing I can’t…
I can’t even…
It’s just so good.


I’m surprised how complicated build you were able to smack in such a tight space, yet still keeping it smooth.


Great job! For such a large MOC the textures flow very well. Also, I love the shaping of his mask.


I love how the moc contrast, however the chest does stick out alittle.


i… just cant… words how good this thing looks

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Woah I have no words other then… Then… ITS SO AMAZING

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Incredible. I love the texture of the moc and how well it flows together, amazing work!!

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I gave you my opinion yesterday on dA. It still applies.

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Thanks a lot everyone!

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What the…

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Sweet homemade bro.

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I feel like it may need more purple. A lot of the build is either Gold or Black with minor tips of red on his spikes and a grey and black staff. Having a bit more variance would help bring out the detail more in the complexity of his body, otherwise you cant really see the detail when viewed in passing.


His face is nightmare fuel. I love it.

Also, the chest wheel looks nice, and I like the spikes, and the everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a pretty good MOC. Best of luck in the contest!


No one else here knows Warhead? Good to know the current amount of EB-/BZP-Frequenters.

On the other hand, it’s menacingly beautiful. Use of ye olde spinner piece instead of the C-Carriage wheel in the center has been done marvelously. Good job!

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everybody knew it was him from his Trooper he posted a while back.

As I said on Flickr, love the torso shaping.

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This makes me rethink what will be my entry :stuck_out_tongue:

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O: I Cant breath. that is the best MOC i have seen yet. all skeletal frame is covered! it just fits together like a complete puzzle! i love it this deserves 10000000000000 likes. O:

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