Mata Nui Rising [Lego Ideas Project]

The plaque thing isn’t essential to the idea and more a suggestion that maybe they might have a mole of two in their library to bring back and recolour.

I have been thinking of changing it to something to do with like 3 heroes or something but I’m not sure.


i think a minature island of mata nui (to scale) would be better

I gotchu

Made in like five seconds


that’s scary


Have you tried the r/bioniclelego and its discord server? Both are good places to attract a lot of people.


I’ve tried the subreddit.

I got 12 upvotes. :unamused:

But someone else did share it early on, independent of me and the project got 1200 votes from that so kudos to the guy who did that. But it would seem for the most part they are uninterested.

However I have not tried their Discord, thank you for that suggestion and maybe I’ll get support through there. If you want you could even share it there yourself! An ideal scenario would be a respected member being able to ping everyone and ask for mass support.


Haha looks pretty good

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maybe the topic name should change to this?

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Congrats on reaching 10,000 supporters! :balloon::partying_face: :tada:


:smiley: :star_struck: :blush: :partying_face: :confetti_ball: :tada: :sparkles: :100:

Welp, ran out of time to post the final update but I’ll post it here:

(Thanks to my brother, @eilrach for help with this, took us 2 or 3 days of work to get it like this, it’s not perfect but this along with 6 mini Toa Mata was going to be the final update)

Well, here we are, on the verge of 10,000 supporters. I won’t be able to update this once it hits the goal so some aspects such as the Island of Mata Nui won’t get seen here…although I will post a version of the GSR with that and instructions to Bricklink so keep an eye out for that :slight_smile: (I will stay true to my promise!)

Gathered friends, thank you. When this started out, it felt impossible to get here, this was my first Studio build and I did not know if I would complete it. Once it was built, I did not know if people would be interested, but we did it, thanks to you, a Toa, a hero. Thank you all. Thank you Maskposting, thank you r/bioniclelego, thank you TTV Boards-my digital home, thank you BZP, thank you to all those who shared the message whether it be on “Biscord” or “Biogram” and thank you to all the people who gave input and advice-you were heard.

And thank you to all those with other projects, who code and modify games, those with digital forges in which new masks and tools are made, who make mocs from worlds both strange and familiar, those who film stop motions, those who review and those who write new tales. You have ensured that Bionicle has never been gone.

Whatever happens from here, Bionicle will continue to live on. I was brought into the fandom by fan works and I’m sure many more will be. I’ll end things off by quoting the lad himself:

“All journey’s must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. There will be challenges to face and enemies to fight, but I know you will overcome. All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides. Be well, be strong, care for this world and for each other. Farewell.” - Mata Nui Greg Farshtey



You’re gonna make me cry

Your expectations were 365 days early


yaay :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
edit: @Axelford. now get ordering all those pieces


Truly a glorious speech. Oh man I sure hope this becomes a lego set, so happy we got all 10,000 supporters!!! :star_struck:


we did it boys
well, you did it
i don’t have Lego Ideas


@Axelford Congratulations on reaching this tremendous milestone! Whatever the outcome, this is a huge accomplishment, and I hope you are proud of your work.



Beautiful way to put it. Bionicle is never dead as long as fans continue to keep it alive.


Congrats on 10,000 supporters @Axelford ! That too on Bionicle Day itself! You should be immensely proud of yourself, your Great Spirit Robot is one amazing model!


Fantastic achievement :smiley:


uh oh

we’re up against 50 other projects….


we can do it, right?

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