Meet the Maker: MOC Contest Results (BIONICLE Canon Contest #2)

I agree.
It will may has be changed other design, but I love the Mask’s rune! :smile:

The reason of I like the runes is not only this.
The rune looks like G2’s language, but interesting thing is here.

(Maybe this is already noticed by brothers and sisters of BIO-fan, though)
In MoL, unamed Matorans has a common design body.
Jaller, hahli, and Takua has unique body, but check Takua’s.
There is strange pattern at his chest, and this is similar to G2’s rune.

And there is also a profile that Sidorak knows the dirty words of “ancient language”.
This means that there is at least an “ancient language” in addition to the Matlan language.
and I guess it’s the “old programming language” that GB used in the early days of MU development:prototype of Matoran’s.

Takua and Mask of creation is very ancient one.
both has created before Great Spirit Robot has finished, then I don’t wonder the “strange runes” has be written to it, if it’s truly old plogramming language.

off course this is just my delusion. but it feels me fun to researching BIONICLE’s world!
In any case, I’m really looking forward to seeing great works in art contest! :smile: :smile: :blush: :blush: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: