Meratan, Toa of Fire

I have tried use Tahu 15 mask, it really was an ugly choice for Meratan (due to wide chin design), second this is that I do not own third Tahu 15 set sadly (though I could order that mask from bricklink).
I understand that Tahu 16 mask’s silver “hair” is a bit bothersome, but I didn’t have other choices than that. I wanted this time around built a MOC purely, without painting or modificating any parts, and Tahu 16 mask gives more “slmmer shape” and menacing look for Meratan, in my opinion.

Thanks for the mini criticism! =)

Thats understandable. Kind of annoying that the 2016 Tahu mask is dark red. It even sticks out on the actual set. Maybe the corrupted Tahu mask that comes with Lava Beast would work?

Funny to say, but originally I was thinking to give Tahu 16 corrupted mask for him. However, I have to see if it fits or not.

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The trans green might stick out a little, but the red isn’t dark red on the corrupted mask, so it should fit the MOC much better in that respect. I think the silver mix darkened the red on the standard mask, but on the corrupted mask the color is fine from what i’ve seen.

I agree that silver darkens red color on regular Tahu 16 mask. Just checked Lava Beast review quickly from Jangbricks, and it looks quite okay. But not sure if it’s on “Tr. neon-yellow” or Tr. neon lime green. Have to still see it with my own perspective​:zap::ok_hand:t3::zap:

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I think its Tr. neon-green. Looks more green to me anyway :smiley:

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If only it was Tr. purple.

This looks pretty cool. My only criticisms are that the hips seem a tad thin, the legs seem too large proportionally, and the head seems too small proportionally. But other than that, this looks really good.

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REALLY NOICE, liking the colors as well

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I love looking at this guy! His leg articulation seems slightly restricted at the hips, but WHATEVER! He’s so epic to look at, whether he’s posing or not! The detail is rich, the weapons are fascinating; what’s there not to like about this figure?!

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The purple is amazing.

Needs a moc spotlight
Also might need more silver to go with the tahu 2016 mask