So I had made this Brute body type and posted it on my Flickr page, Brute | Flickr. Well with the joys of late night insomnia and the midnight oil burning with creativity. So decided to swap heads and try to make a new theme for it, and here we are. One Chima Wolf head, and some add on armor parts. While some parts are solid, there are still a bit that are loose to be turned, mostly in the body armor parts.
I also kept the Onua Master Chestplate on even with the stickers, but I am not planning on having the purple and gold show on display. I know a simple fix to remover them, but I only got one Onua Master set. Also, never know when you rebuild a kit.
Then there is this item, I made this hammer weapon for my Stromer Rhinox rebuild from this version,, but the design ideas were clashing big time. So that version got the ax, and I currently started over on the project.
pretty cool, i’m digging the arm design, but those 2015 onua stickers throw me off a bit, i recommend taking them off and putting them somewhere safe, but over all pretty solid!
That is one buff wolf dude. Nice shaping on the back as well as the sides of the torso with those Star Wars leg plates. Needs an accent colour to accent all the dull grey colours
@yolo360nosescope and @BBricks I have removed the stickers as I found I did have another chest plate with the stickers. I am one that once removed, I will lose them, so either stickers stay on, or get trashed. However, he is cleaner now,
@ReeseEH, @Zero, @Stoax thank you for the hammer bits, but this hammer isn’t for Midnight. It is for my guardian Hero build I have yet to finish. Had one build, but the Hero was crap except the hammer. So the next Hero build is going to wield this hammer
@Rockho, @EvilLobsterKing the star wars shins was an attempt to fill the body from waist to shoulders. I do like them for that, but I am looking into reworking the chest plating to blend the to areas together better. Just have to find the right parts to fit and not make him worst.
@The-x-territory Thank you for likes, and I am happy to inspire others. That is why I started posting my MOCs, not to show off my work, yeah that has been enjoyable. However, I am more into inspiring others, because I get the joy with my son and his friends. Now I am doing it on a larger scale.
Well thank you everyone for checking out this MOC, until next keep building and being creative
Its nice to see a moc that can make nice use of one of those overly specialized Chima heads. The color scheme could use a bit more of a pop, but otherwise looks nice!