MoaMahriMatoro's Super Sayian 4 Bionicle Summer 2016 Set Reviews!

I was the first to get these sets on the boards. Here is the reference. May 6.
Sorry for the horrible quality on all of these, I have no camera so they were taken with a phone. (also these are my first reviews)
Ekimu the Mask Maker 71212:

Lava Beast 71213 (May 6):

So, here he is with his standard pose. The chest printing actually looks like burning LoSS eyes, which is interesting. I guess I’m horrible at posing too. Oh well. The first time I actually built him, he fell over. Lets take a look at those “bad” legs.

Yeah… these legs are very bad. Think about it this way: the guy is literally standing on another two guys (Glatorian) necks. This being said, he really falls over. What doesn’t help is the two protector feet. The two toes do look cool though. (I believe they are Chima axe pieces?)

This is the function opened up wide. The way it works is when you twist the big gear, the little gear moves, creating a scissor function. The blades/wings can open up to a full 180 degrees. They don’t look like wings, but I do like the function. As you can also see in the arms, it has a transbrown/smoke CCBS shell. I hear this color is fairly rare.

Moving downward, This is the hand. Only the top two fingers are posable. Unlike the hated Skull Scorpion, Lava Beast cannot hold his Infected(?) Tahu mask. This is defiantly a con, as it can only be placed in the…
Backpack. Or at least that’s what I call it. This little basket connected to this head is very unlike SB and QB’s Shadow Traps, considering this one cannot close/grip. Though I must say, when I put the mask in, It held very well for being attached to the head. Also the 2015 Bonkle head is now in trans green. In which you can see…

The chest printing looks like LoSS (as mentioned above). The head is not actually used as eyes, which the mask just used the full transgreen to it’s advantage. This being such, you can see the head in the jaw as well. When you hit the jaw on any of these beasts, the mask comes flying off.

Here’s a size comparison. From left to right- Ikir, Spirit Bomb Goku (he’s really big) Lava Beast, Umarak the Hunter, and Tahu. So, he’s smaller than Tahu, but… In the story he has to go up against an army of these things.

Unfortunately though, Tahu had his mask Infected(?) by Lava Beasts. I honestly think it looks the best out of all three Tahu masks.

Here’s a mask comparison. As some users theorized, the Beast Masks are actually enlarged Umarak Masks. And then on the right is the Infected(?) Tahu mask.

All in all, this set gets a 7/10 overall score. Some other things to notice are: 2016 swivel function, good switchblade function, short, and only has a Shadow “Basket”.
Storm Beast 71214 (May 6)
Oh, man, was Iooking forward to this set. Ever since I saw the leaks he was my second favorite right next to UtD.
Oh, man was I disappointed. I don’t want to spoil the score, but I like Lava Beast better. (or equal to say the most.) As you can see, This is his standard pose. Like I said in the 71213 review, this set’s chest printing looks like icy LoSS eyes.

These legs are better than the Lava Beast legs. The feet are bigger, and the Glatorian neck is attached at a bester angle with more pieces. I don’t usually notice the red and blue bins all too much when Eljay mentions it, but the are glaring in the legs.

So, this guy has BIG hands. His hands are bigger than Lava Beast’s, and Quake Beasts. These hands remind me of Onua’s from the 2015 animations. Or Al’s from Fullmetal Alchemist (I don’t know why this reminds me of that)

Ah, a good old fashion tail. One of my favorite parts to the set. It is good in which it can hold a mask, and grab a Toa’s leg or something to knock them over. Wait what’s that? It’s also a joystick?

YES IT IS. Well, not really. Or sort of. You can move the tail around up, left or right to control SB’s arms, sort of like a puppet. This function is amazing, one of the best in G2. It sacrifices a lot of looks, but (as many will disagree with) I like it. We have no other sets like this anyway.

So if we look really close at the mask from the set, it utilizes the “head is not real eyes” deal from Lava and Quake Beast.

SIZE COMPARISON! From left to right we have: Umarak the Hunter, Spirit Bomb Goku, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, and Lewa. This is because I don’t have Kopaka yet.

Mask Comparison. I like the Storm Beast mask better than the Lava Beast mask. It is a widened Umarak mask. We can’t see the Infected(?) Kopaka mask on Kopaka since I don’t have him.

One thing I didn’t like about the Kopaka mask was that it had no eye stud. So, I added in a different color yellow stud. What do you think? Should It be blue? Or not there at all?
No Fight picture because no Kopaka.
After reading MY OWN REVIEW, I convinced myself I actually liked him better than Lava Beast. So, you know what, I lied. 8/10.
Anyway, that’s it for the May 6 reviews.

Quake Beast 71215

Umarak the Destroyer 71216 (May 21)
I finally got him. My favorite set in the leaks. Here he is, UTD!

All right, right off the bat, we have our first G2 titan. No, Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument, and Kulta is not a titan. His legs provide LOTS of support, with both a Protector foot and Onua 2015 foot combined.

If UtD was on ebay, @Spider-Ven would defiantly say he has SHREDDER CLAWS. His claws, when holding something, can’t stay closed. You must hold the Bohrok eye in place (which is how the function works by the way.) You can make a fist, which is really cool when you decide to use his swivel gear function. I actually think the added weight HELPS the gear function making it glide smoother. This guy reminds me of like, Broly from DBZ or Al from FMA with the huge hands.

Mask is ornate. You can defiantly tell it’s the MoC. The gold horns seem to be some combination of Umarak’s own, and a exaggerated MoC’s.

The back is slightly covered using a General Grevious skeleton armor. Above that, I don;t know if you’d call it “armor”, but it’s debatable, but certainly not gappy.

Size Comparison. From left to right… Vahki Vorzakh canister, Storm Beast, UtH, UtD, Shadow Trap, Ikir, Kulta, and Lava Beast.

Go my children, Their unity will be poisoned. Their duty will be broken. And your destiny NO QUAKE BEAST

Mask comparison. So, top left, original MoC, top right, new MoC. Bottom 2 are SB and LB’s infected(?) Toa masks.

So, I found this neat little trick that if a creature is layer on UtD’s neck at just the right angle, he can still unite.

Close up of how to do it.

Fight? No, more like get rekt m9

Claws in action, holding Lewa and taking the Gold Mask o’ Unity.

Holding the two (that I have) Infected(?) Toa Uniter Masks.
So, overall, 9/10. Best verdict so far, and I feel he deserves it. Practically no cons except for the unmoveable neck, which I really don’t believe is an issue like people make it out to be. I know I still have EtMM and QB to review, but this was really the climax.


I’m pretty sure his fingers can hold on to Tahu’s mask at a certain angle


Good review! Lave beast isn’t my ABSOLUTE favorite of the summer wave, but he still looks interesting.

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Is the infected mask trans neon green? and are his toes trans neon orange or just trans orange?

thats left by the way.

You built Tahu’s swords wrong


Actually other reviewers have showed that it is able to hold it with it’s hand…


oh god that tahu’s mask looks so bad, it looks like a plane could land on his forehead

Where did you get the set?

Storm Beast 71214 (May 6)
Oh, man, was Iooking forward to this set. Ever since I saw the leaks he was my second favorite right next to UtD.

Oh, man was I disappointed. I don’t want to spoil the score, but I like Lava Beast better. (or equal to say the most.) As you can see, This is his standard pose. Like I said in the 71213 review, this set’s chest printing looks like icy LoSS eyes.

These legs are better than the Lava Beast legs. The feet are bigger, and the Glatorian neck is attached at a bester angle with more pieces. I don’t usually notice the red and blue bins all too much when Eljay mentions it, but the are glaring in the legs.

So, this guy has BIG hands. His hands are bigger than Lava Beast’s, and Quake Beasts. These hands remind me of Onua’s from the 2015 animations. Or Al’s from Fullmetal Alchemist (I don’t know why this reminds me of that)

Ah, a good old fashion tail. One of my favorite parts to the set. It is good in which it can hold a mask, and grab a Toa’s leg or something to knock them over. Wait what’s that? It’s also a joystick?

YES IT IS. Well, not really. Or sort of. You can move the tail around up, left or right to control SB’s arms, sort of like a puppet. This function is amazing, one of the best in G2. It sacrifices a lot of looks, but (as many will disagree with) I like it. We have no other sets like this anyway.

So if we look really close at the mask from the set, it utilizes the “head is not real eyes” deal from Lava and Quake Beast.

SIZE COMPARISON! From left to right we have: Umarak the Hunter, Spirit Bomb Goku, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, and Lewa. This is because I don’t have Kopaka yet.

Mask Comparison. I like the Storm Beast mask better than the Lava Beast mask. It is a widened Umarak mask. We can’t see the Infected(?) Kopaka mask on Kopaka since I don’t have him.

One thing I didn’t like about the Kopaka mask was that it had no eye stud. So, I added in a different color yellow stud. What do you think? Should It be blue? Or not there at all?
No Fight picture because no Kopaka.
After reading MY OWN REVIEW, I convinced myself I actually liked him better than Lava Beast. So, you know what, I lied. 8/10.
Anyway, that’s it for the May 6 reviews. I got this with my order too.

Quake Beast 71215

Umarak the Destroyer 71216

Nice review, I’m probably gonna pick up SB if I have the money

I’m just impressed you got these sets with that glitch thingy.

Dat melding tho


Hi! Great review, and thanks for letting us see the sets in advance!

I was wondering how Tahu looks like with Lava Beast’s swords attached instead of the standard silver. If ya could do that for me, that’d be great. Thanks a bunch again!

Lava Beast can hold Tahu’s Mask. Btw you weren’t the first who got these sets. Play Stippling got them first.

But Play Stippling isn’t on the boards, right? I said I was the first person on the boards.

Pic with LoSS wearing LB’s Chest-plate as eyes?

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No, you said you were the first who got these sets. You didn’t said “on the board” but nice review anyway.

Ok I fixed it.:slight_smile:

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Would look better if you had actually built the swords correctly.

The pin is supposed to attach to the blade, not the technic piece