Okie, so, here’s a MOC, it’s actually based upon my GF (Her DA, check it yo, she’s amazing), her OC Akro, and loosely based on a drawing I did that reimagined her OC in the style of a wicked Gynoid robit. cx
Want to build this one IRL so bad, it’s basically a mix of the V2 & V3 versions (sans things like the head, mask, protector mask/chestplate, and Nuva armour butt-plate because those aren’t in LDD. ;~; ) of the MOC because I loved how I did the arms, hands, and legs in that version. ><
UPDATE: Yo, Version 4 is here! And I got rid of the mask torso armour some of y’all were complaining about!
EDIT: Also, lol, I loooove how the notifications haven’t let me know that about 10 or so actually liked this topic. xP Only got like, one like notification for one person and then the notification of the “Nice Topic” badge.
Also, what do y’all think of the MOC? Any critiques or anything?
Lol, sounds easier than sewing a hoodie. xP Hilariously, the other day when looking for purple pieces to incorporate into the MOC (In the classic purple, but that isn’t available in LDD, sadly. ><) I found out there was a Lego cloth hoodie accessory in purple and dangit, I don’t know if it’d fit the MOC but I’m irritated I’m just recently figuring out about it yo.
I attempted that, and screwed up, and wound up actually making the pattern for the new hoodie out of the screw-up. xP Besides, it’s almost done, I just need to sew on a layer inside and out to tidy it up, and maybe try to find a tiny zipper or something. I just gotta stop procrastinating on it,
When I get the chance to Bricklink the parts, Imma try to make V3.5 IRL, but as for now, Imma deal with what I got rn. .-. Would love to have this MOC with a 2015 head and a trans-blue Kaukau 2015, but the only way I can do that is to get one of NovusCarpus’s “bootleg” versions.
Btw, does anyone have any references for how big the LEGO Scala clothing bits are? Because I found out they have leggings and I’ll be banished to Unicron before I know if I can give one of my MOCs leggings. cx
Anyways, I love the colors, they contrast very nicely and look very good. The moc doesn’t look bad either, the friction adders sorta mess with the flow of the colors.
Thank you! cx Lol, ya can thank my GF for the colours, as the green, blue, and purple are her favourite colours. xP I agree tho, I really wish LEGO made them in more colours, even if they were just black or silver, that’d be fantastic in helping me solidify the colours. ><
Pretty cool build. I like V3 the best. It just seems to flow well somehow.
Also, I was surprised to see the lockseed, until I noticed it was you that posted this xD.